Bike Alert

This morning, while riding my bike, I thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to know when someone is approaching from behind?" I didn't want to use mirrors or funny glasses, so I decided to use an ultrasonic transducer to trigger a buzzer when approached.
This involves a Ping transducer, Arduino, buzzer, switch, 9 volt battery and enclosure.
Thanks to the world of 3D printing, these things don't have to be force fit into a black box anymore.
For the design and print files of the box (created in Autodesk's 123d software--free):
This involves a Ping transducer, Arduino, buzzer, switch, 9 volt battery and enclosure.
Thanks to the world of 3D printing, these things don't have to be force fit into a black box anymore.
For the design and print files of the box (created in Autodesk's 123d software--free):

I started by piling the major components together to see what sort of space it would take.

I followed by creating a box--sort of banana shaped instead of rectangular.

I added the transducer, buzzer and switch. I didn't get my spacing quite right on the transducer, so I just fit one of the elements into one of the box holes.

The wiring is fairly minimal, just follow the schematic.
Here is the code for the Arduino:
Here is the code for the Arduino:
const int pingPin=7;
long duration;
const int buzzer=3;
void setup()
void loop()
{pinMode (pingPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (pingPin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds (2);
digitalWrite (pingPin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (5);
digitalWrite (pingPin, LOW);
pinMode (pingPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn (pingPin, HIGH);
if (duration > 12000 and duration < 20000)
{digitalWrite (buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite (buzzer, LOW);

Connect everything together and close the lid with a wood screw.

Secure to your bike in whatever way is appropriate--I use velcro.