Bicycle Design Coasters

Who doesn't love a Bicycle? Be it a tricycle, a kids bicycle, a teenager bike, a ladies bicycle or a mountain bike. Each one of us are touched by this first on-wheels experience. All of us connect to this fond mobile invention in one way or the other.
Just as everyone else my son and I are a great fan of the bicycle. We just love it. Every year my son puts in some great efforts to gift me a handmade special 'Mother's Day gift'. As Mother's day is just around the corner, I decided to make something exciting and loving as a return gift for this occasion. This 'Bicycles' contest inspired me to go for these most coveted project. Bicycle designs on Ceramic Coasters!
1. 4 white Ceramic tiles ( 4 in X 4 in each)
2. Color cardboard papers (4 colors - Red, Yellow, Blue and Pink)
3. Black marker
4. Modge podge
4. Scissors
5. Coins (1 Quarter and 1 dime)
6. Brush
7. Jute strand (12 inches only)
8. Adhesive Cork Sheet
9. Transparent glue
Gather the Materials
In this step, I first cleaned all the white ceramic tiles and let if dry completely. Put together all the card papers of my choice and kept all other materials handy (pen, coins, modge podge, scissors etc.). Its time to get started!
Draw the Bicycle on Pink Paper

First I started with making a line as the ground or base on the pink paper. Then, using a quarter I drew 2 circles for the 2 tires. Then, with the help of a nickel, I made two inner circles for the ties. Later, I added the front tire rod and then the back. After this I added the rod, connecting rod, the back rod, seat and then the spokes. Also, added the pedals. In this way the bicycle was ready as seen in image 1. Let it dry completely.
Drawing the Bicycle on Yellow Paper

Just as the first bicycle on red paper, I started with making a line as the ground or base on the yellow paper. Then, using a quarter I drew 2 circles for the 2 tires. Then, with the help of a nickel, I made two inner circles for the ties. Later, I added the front tire rod and then the back. After this I added the rod, connecting rod, the back rod, seat and then the spokes. Also, added the pedals. In this way the bicycle was ready as seen in image 1. Let it dry completely.
Drawing the Bicycle on Blue Paper

Very similar to the previous two bicycle designs, I started with making a line as the ground or base on blue paper. Then, using a quarter I drew 2 circles for the 2 tires. Then, with the help of a nickel, I made two inner circles for the ties. Later, I added the front tire rod and then the back. After this I added the rod, connecting rod, the back rod, seat and then the spokes. Also, added the pedals. In this way the bicycle was ready as seen in image 2. Let it dry completely. By now 3 of the 4 designs were ready and handy.
Drawing the Bicycle on Red Paper

As the last design on the red paper, I started with making a line as the ground or base. Then, using a quarter I drew 2 circles for the 2 tires. Then, with the help of a nickel, I made two inner circles for the ties. Later, I added the front tire rod and then the back. After this I added the rod, connecting rod, the back rod, seat and then the spokes. Also, added the pedals. In this way the bicycle was ready as seen in image 2. Let it dry completely. By now all the four bicycles were ready on all the four color papers.
Stick the Paper on the Ceramic Tile

I then took one of the 4 ceramic tiles and glued all the papers one on each as seen in image 1.
Cover With Modge Podge

Using a paint brush I then coated each design and the ceramic tile gently with the modge podge. Let each tile dry completely.
Adhesive Cock Base

On the back of the tile, I wanted to add this adhesive cork base for a plain and firm base. I cut this sheet slightly smaller than the tile size to let it stay within the boundaries. Then rounded the edges. Lastly glued it to the tile base. All the four tiles are cork-based.

As a last step before taking few more pictures. I tied them together using a jute string. The gift is ready. This project turned out to be so good. I am super happy! While I have tried many other options for these coasters and have gifted my family and friends, this one has turned out to be the best!
In all excitement, I gifted my son this project and he was equally happy. We are celebrating 'Mother's Day' early on.
Thank you so much visiting my 'special gift project' :-)