Bezeled Gemstone Pendant

I like to try bezelling but soldering is not my field of expertise. Through wire work technique I was able to bezel an agate gemstone and I'm pretty happy with the result. Through the steps I'lll be sharing here you'll find a great tip how to bezel any kind of gem without soldering.
copper wires
jump rings
head pins
eye pins
copper wires
jump rings
head pins
eye pins

Cut 3 pieces 20 cm x 2mm (14 ga) wire. Use the 0.5 mm (28 ga) wire to wrap these 3 pieces together about 8 rounds.

Slide in one jump ring to the wire & wrap again through the ring about 6 rounds. Continue wrapping around the 3 wire pieces after attaching the ring. Cut excess wire with wire cutter.

Now, lay your gemstone and try to bezel, following the gemstone’s shape. Separate the outer wires and bed them going to the middle of the gemstone, creating a circle or big loop at the center. Continue bending the outer wires following the shape of the gemstone, until the wires meet on one side of the gemstone.

Take away the gemstone for awhile. Use the 0.5 mm (28 ga) wire to wrap the part of the wire where they meet. Create a loop at the end of the wire with your round nose pliers.

Cross the outer wires and try to separate them. Again, use the 0.5 mm (28 ga) wire to wrap the wires together. Settle the gemstone and press the front & back wire groups to hold the gemstone well.

Now, play with the wires and shape them using your round and/or flat nose pliers to hold the gemstone. In this tutorial, we created a bow-like shape with the back wire group going to the front of the gemstone to brace it.

Flip the gemstone and do the same for the other side.

Cut 4 chains of uneven lengths. Pin the round gemstones with your head pins and attache onto the chains.

Attach the chains onto the bail you've created on Step 2. You're done!
This is the bezeled gemstone pendant, but if you want to turn it into a necklace get some ideas how to and download the FREE PDF with this LINK
This is the bezeled gemstone pendant, but if you want to turn it into a necklace get some ideas how to and download the FREE PDF with this LINK