Better Then Pi Cake
Here is my recipe for a very colorful and tasty Pi stacked cake with Pi numbers.!!! When you make the cake be as creative as you like with the colors and have fun with it, my colors are just an example of how you could do it but you could make it anyway you would like. This cake is made in two batches because of the size. The reason I choose to make this cake was to be creative and at the same time teach people what Pi is, so have fun with this recipe!!!!
Ingredients and Supplies
Ingredients(Cake mix)
-8 sticks unsalted butter
-12 cups flour
-4 tbsp baking powder
-2 tsp salt
-4 cups sugar
-16 eggs
-4 tbsp vanilla
-5 cups milk
Ingredients( Frosting/ decorating)
-Confections sugar
-decorating icing
-writing gel
-food coloring
- vegetable shortening
-vanilla extract
Baking Pans
-one 8" cake pan
-two 9" cake pans
-one 10" cake pans
-8 sticks unsalted butter
-12 cups flour
-4 tbsp baking powder
-2 tsp salt
-4 cups sugar
-16 eggs
-4 tbsp vanilla
-5 cups milk
Ingredients( Frosting/ decorating)
-Confections sugar
-decorating icing
-writing gel
-food coloring
- vegetable shortening
-vanilla extract
Baking Pans
-one 8" cake pan
-two 9" cake pans
-one 10" cake pans
Making the Cakes
(Note)For the first step you will want to only make half the batch of the cake recipe at a time because there is a large quantity of ingredients and also because only two cake pans can fit in the oven at a time. Before mixing the ingredients set your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Whisking the Dry Ingredients
First you need to whisk together 6 cups flour with 2 tablespoons of baking powder and 1 tsp of salt.
Beating the Batter
Next in a very large bowl beat four sticks of butter and 2 1/2 cups of sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Once the mixture is nice and fluffy beat in 8 eggs one at a time as well as mixing in the 2 tbs of vanilla extract. When the egg mixture is beaten well, and it may be lumpy you need to start beating in the flour mixture. Beat in the flour mixture in three batches, starting with the flour and then alternating with the 2 1/2 cups of milk and then finally ending with the flour, blend until nice and smooth.
Prepare Baking Pans and Baking the Cakes
Pick any of the two baking pans and cut two pieces of parchment paper to fit into the bottom of the pans. After you place the parchment paper in the pans butter the sides and bottom of the pans and then dust with flour. Lastly pour the batter into the pans and bake for about 35 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean. When the cakes are done cooking let them cool for ten minutes before taking them out of the pans, you may need to use a knife to separate the cake from the sides of the pan. Once the two cakes are completely done you have to repeat all of the same steps with the two other cake pans that you just not to use in the first baking batch:-)
Making the Frosting
To make the frosting put 2/3 cup of vegetable shortening into a bowl and then mix it with 2lbs of confectioners sugar and 2/3 cup of water. After the frosting is well mixed beat the mixture with an electric mixer for 2-3 minutes until is is thick smooth. Once the frosting is done make sure to save some to mix with your choice of food coloring for the colored Pi symbol on top, be creative with the colors you can mix them or just choose one color if you want, I mixed yellow and red to make a nice bright orange.
Frosting the Cakes and Cake Topper
Once the cakes are completely cooled they are now ready to prepare to frost them. I cut the tops of all the bottom to layers and left the smallest two round. One of the smallest cakes will be for the top layer and the other one will be used later on for the cake topper. Spreading the frosting is very easy i used a dough cutting blade and knife, but it was a little time consuming for me because, I wanted to try to get everything even and perfect. For the topper I traced out a pie symbol onto once the smallest cakes and then cut it out. Once the cake topper was cut out I put my colored orange frosting on and put two skewers in the topper so it would keep it sturdy and hold it on top of the cake.
This is the fun part of making the cake. Be creative as you would like with the icing and writing on the cake. I choose to use green frosting to make a nice border around the layers and the wrote out the number for Pi(as much as I could fit) with red and blue writing gel. Remember to have fun with this step and mix colors and just do what you think looks cool or even wacky. THEN COMES THE BEST PART WHEN YOU ARE ALL DONE SPENDING ALL THAT TIME MAKING THE CAKE YOU GET TO FINALLY EAT IT, IF YOU CAN HANDLE DESTROYING YOUR NEW WORK OF ART:-)