
Have you ever thought of bringing a cartoon character to life... I always have, and Bender from Futurama was the one.
On September 1st I knew what I had to do, so I began with Cardboard and started framing out the body, once I had that all laid out I began with the head. It was a bit of challenge but thats what I like, it pushes me to do my best.
Day by day I worked on this costume, spending from 5-9 hours a night on this costume making it look so realistic.
in the 2 months of work i put in 176 hours into the costume.
List of Materials:
• Truck load of CardBoard
• Foam Material (used for chair cushions - 4" thick)
• Foam Core - used for the eyes
• Crafting Foam - Hobby Lobby carries this in 8x10 or 11x17 (Brown and Black)
• Old Shoes - Bought a pair of knock off Croc's at PayLess Shoes
• 3 or 4 Yards of Light Grey Fabric - JoAnn Fabrics
• Grey Sweat Pants and matching top - Real classy I know
• Black Ribbon 1" thick - used for the lines on the shirt and pants
• Ping Pong ball - top of antenna
• Lots and Lots of Super Strong Duck Tape
• Window Screen Material - used for the Mouth - JoAnn Fabric
• 3 Really Strong Magnets - Cigar and Door
• Hinges for the door - they will be hidden under the foam
• 3" shipping tube - Cut into 3 pieces used for Mom's Oil Cans
• 1/4" Tube - used for drinking its optional to add. I had my hidden under the foam and made sure it made it up to my mouth. Yes it was tough to go to the bathroom in.
• 1/2" or 1/4" Tractor Insulation - 6yds of it. - bought it at a Swap Meet Store
• Battery powered Fan - it was 22° that night and i was sweating all night.
• Extra Batteries for the Fan unless you can rig something up that won't eat up batteries.
• Huge amount of Glue Sticks
• 6' of Nylon straps and Back Pack Clips to hold the head on.
Other than that, Good Luck Have Fun and Please send me Pics when you're done.
Cheers To Halloween.