Belly Button Bling Add Ons

(A pierced belly button is required in order to use the Add Ons)
Belly Button Bling Add Ons are just that...Bling for the Belly Button. My daughter wears Belly Button Rings (actually a bar), and I thought it would be nice to be able to change it up in a hurry without having to remove and replace the whole piercing. With Belly Button Bling Add Ons you simply unscrew the ball from your existing Belly button piercing and attach a Bling Add On, replace the ball and now you have a new look.

Tools I used to make this piece of jewelry:
- 2 small pairs of jewelry pliers
- round tipped plier
- side cutters
Materials I used:
- two medium and one small jump rings
- two beads
- one bead cover
- one jewelry pin with loop, or eye on one end
- six pieces of colored chain aprox one and a quarter inch long (make them a length you would prefer)
Lets Get Started

- Take the jewelry pin with the enclosed end and slide one of the beads onto it.
- Next take top link of each piece of chain and slide them onto the pin
- Now slide the bead cover on. Large opening down so as to slide over the end pieces of chain
- Add the other bead on top of that
Snipping, Bending and Adding

Now to close it up so nothing falls off wire.
- Cut the jewelry pin so that about 1/4 of an inch is above top of bead.
While holding onto top part of jewelry with one hand, take the round tipped plier and firmly grasp tip of wire with tip of plier and begin to roll the wire down. Goal is to close it so it looks like the closed end of wire we started with
3. Now we will open the two med jump rings and to do this I grasp one side of ring with pliers and grasp other side of ring with second pair of pliers so the spot where the ring comes together is at !2;00 between pliers. Rather than pull rings straight apart, its best to apply a little bit of pressure downward with one pair of pliers and upward with other pair until the ring has opened.
4. Insert ring into loop you just made at end of jewelry pin and go ahead and put small jump ring on too. Again, grasp each side of jump ring and applying pressure in opposite directions the ring will close back together
5. Last we will open the second med jump ring the same way we did the first one and loop it onto your small jump ring then close it back up. .
NOTE: Depending on the size ball on your existing piercing you may need to make
the last ring added to be the small instead of med.
Lets See How It Looks

Unscrew the ball on end of your existing Belly Button bar and slide jump ring on the bar and screw the ball back on and Enjoy! I included a picture of some different ones I have made in the past.