Beer Can Spinner

Placing drinks in iced salt water is an effective way to cool them down but this is made even faster using a Beer Can Spinner.
It has environmental benefits as it reuses the packaging the beer cans came in (clip-on top).
An aluminum beverage can, rotated in icy water with a Beer Can Spinner will be cooled to 5 c in less than 5 minutes.
Clip-on top packaging
Roofing bolt and nut
Sheet of grade 240 sandpaper
Clip on Pack

Fix the Shaft

Drill a hole in the center of the clip-on disk.
Fix a roofing bolt though this hole and attach a nut to secure.

Place the plastic disk on top of a sheet of 240 grit wet and dry sandpaper and draw a circle around the circumstance.
Cut out the disk of sandpaper.
Trim the disk so it will just fit into the underside of the clip-on disk and remain there.
The sandpaper is to give move grip to the aluminium can.
Attach to an Electric Drill

Salt Water Bath

Add in Ice

Spin for Three Minutes

The beverage can was spun in the icey salt water for 3 minutes. This cooled the drink down to 4 degrees C.
When another can was tried, it could only be cooled to down to 10 degrees C as the salt water had warmed up from the heat transfer from the cans.