Beats by Saira Akram and Valeria Velasco
by sakram1533 in Circuits > Audio
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Beats by Saira Akram and Valeria Velasco



The following inscrutable teaches how to make working headphones that are lightweight and easy to use. For these specific headphones, you will need the following below:
- 2 Plastic Cups (35mL)
- 1 Paintbrush
- 1 bottle of Teal Paint
- 1 bottle of Purple Paint
- 1 bottle of Black Paint
- 2 bottle of Gray Glitter
- 2 30 Voice coils
- 3 Alligator banana clip plugs (2-sided)
- 1/4 sheet sandpaper
- 1 Headband (any kind)
- 1 Roll Electric Tape
- 4 1.5 cm Magnets (Medium sized)
- 1 Hole puncher
- 1 sq. ft. of cardboard
- 1 12 pack of hot glue sticks
- 1 Electronic Device
- 1 gauge of copper wire
Painting the Cups

After you have all of the materials listed, you will began painting your cups.
How to Paint the Cups:
1. First of all, you will squeeze a quarter size of the teal paint on a cardboard.
2. You will then get your paintbrush, and gently dip it into the teal paint.
3. After dipping it into the teal paint, you gently dab the paint onto the cup. This will be our first coat. For convenience, it is recommended that you hold the cup from the inside to prevent the paint from messing up.
4. After you have dabbed the paint around the cup, gently place the cup on top of a dry and stable area (such as a desk). Leave it there to dry for fifteen minutes.
5. While your first cup is drying, you may move onto the second cup repeating process one through four.
6. After setting our second cup to dry, we will now check if our first cup is dry. If it is, we may now began painting our second coat of the teal paint. If not, we will have to wait for a few more minutes.
7. To paint our second coat, we will use squeeze another quarter size of the teal paint onto the cardboard.
8. We will them gently dip our paint brush into the paint and began painting the cup making sure none of the plastic is being shown. We will be using the same technique as we did while painting our first coat being holding the cup from the inside.
8. After paint the second coat of the cup, we will gently place it onto the dry surface leaving it to dry for fifteen minutes.
9. We will then paint the second cup exactly like we did in step eight and nine.
Decorating the Cup

After the two cups have dried, we will do the following in chronological order:
1. We will squeeze two dime size portions of teal paint for both of the cups onto the cardboard. We will dab the teal paint onto the cups.
2. After dabbing the paint onto both cups, we will sprinkle glitter onto the cups. The wet paint was used in place of glue to make the glitter stick onto the cups.
3. We will set our paint and glitter to dry for about ten minutes. If it is still not dry, St It to dry for an additional ten minutes.
4. After our glitter and paint had dried, we will squeeze a dime size of purple paint and a dime size of black paint separately.
5. We will dip our paintbrush in purple paint and carefully paint the rims of both of the cups with purple paint. After that, we will set the cups facing up (because the rims are wet) to dry for ten minutes.
6. After the rims have dried, we will dip our brush into our black paint and paint the top of the rims of both cups. We will sit it to dry for about ten minutes.
Making of the Voice Coils and Placing the Magnets.

After we are done designing the cups and they have completely dried, we will:
1. We will now place our magnets. One magnet will be placed on the bottom inside of each cup while the other will be placed on the bottom outside of each cup.
2. After that, we will began making our two 30 voice coils. We chose 30 coils specifically because through our experiment we discovered that the greater the number of coils the better the sound of the headphones.We well get one glue stick with approximately one inch in diameter and wrap our copper around the glue stick thirty times. We will leave some extra lose ends which will be used later.
3. After wrapping around the copper thirty times without overlapping, we will gently remove the coil from the glue stick by sliding it off. After words we will use our black electric tape to tape together the coil.
4. We will repeat steps two to four again for our second cup.
5. Now that we have made our coils, we will tape one to each of the cups, specifically on top of the magnet located on the outside of the cups using black electrical tape. However, be sure not to tape down the loose ends. The coiling of the wires are important because it helps better transmit the sound .
6. We will now use our sandpaper to remove the enamel of the copper completely. You MUST remove the enamel completely because if you don't, the sound waves will not be able to be transported through meaning you will not be able to hear any sound. Therefore, this is a key step to make the headphones work.
Painting the Alligator Plugs

After taping down the voice coils, we will:
1. We will began painting our alligator clips. We have chosen to paint the 2 alligator banana plugs purple and the third one teal.
2. We will squeeze a two dime sized portions of purple paint and one dime sized portion of teal paint. We will dip our paintbrush into the paint and paint the whole plug except for the metal parts.
3. After painting the plugs, we will not set them to dry. Instead, we will sprinkle some glitter on top of the plugs.
4. After sprinkling the plugs, we wild set them to dry for about fifteen minutes.
Making the Headband

While the Alligator Banana Plugs are drying, we will make the headband using this procedure:
1. We will measure the cups and the headband in order to determine where to glue the headband. Based on the measurements of my head, I have glued the headband one inch above the bottom of the headband from bot sides of the cup using hot glue sticks.
2. After doing that, I took the size of the top of the cup and cut two circles out from one square foot of cardboard.
3. After that, I used my hole puncher and punched about ten holes each into the two circles.
4. I later used hot glue to stick the cardboard on top of the cup kind of making it as a lid to the cup.
5. I later waited approximately five minutes for the glue to cool down.
6. After the glue cooled down, I squeezed another quarter size of black paint onto the cardboard and used my paintbrush to paint the two circular cardboard pieces attached to the headband.
Attaching the Alligator Banana Plugs and Testing
Our Alligator Banana Plugs have now dried. It is now time to finish our Beats by completing the final procedure below:
1. We will get our Alligator Banana Plug that is painted blue and attach it to one of the two lose sides on each of the cups.
2. We will then get one of our purple Alligator Banana Plugs and attach it to the other loose end on one of our cups. The other side of the plug will be attached to the left side of our AUX plug.
3. We will then get our other purple Alligator Banana Plug and attach it to the remaining loose copper end. The other end of the plug will be attached to the right side of our AUX plug.
• Something you should keep a note of is that you should make sure the tips of the alligator banana plugs should not touch each other when attached to the AUX plug because if so, you will not be able to her sound. Also the copper in our alligator banana plugs will be used to transfer the energy from the coil to the aux plug.
4. Now that we have attached the plugs, we may go ahead and test out our final product.
5. We will get our AUX plug and plug it into the headphone jack of our electronic device. We can now play our favorite song. If you hear the song our at least some sound, you have successfully created your very own pair of headphones. If not, please see our Troubleshooting steps where we list errors of some stuff that may have gone wrong and how to make your headphones work.
1) 3 Main Components in any speaker:
- Magnets because it provides a stronger force known as the magnetic field which causes stronger vibrations to amplify sound
- Voice coils because it strengthens the magnetic field and vibrates.
-Diaphragm because it pushes the sound waves further
2) Why Coils Vibrate:
The inside part of voice coil sits on the inside of a magnet. When the speaker is hooked up the to a stereo, electric signals transport through the speaker's cables and into the coil turning it into a electromagnet. As electricity continuously transports in the cables, the electromagnet attracts or repels the magnet making the coil vibrate.
3) How Vibrations turn to Sound
As the coil vibrates back and forth, it creates low sound waves. The diaphragm is later plays its role being pushing the sound waves further so that we could hear them turning the vibrations into sound.
4) Prototyping
After prototyping the magnets, voice coils, and diaphragm we discovered that the greater amount we have of these components, the better. That is why we used coils with thirty each rather than fifteen or twenty five.
If you cannot hear sound you may want to try the following things listed below:
- Make sure the sanded ends aren't touching one another
- Try to move the AUX plug around
- Make sure the AUX plug is correctly inserted into the headphone jack
- Make sure the volume is on
-Make sure the loose copper ends are sanded completely