Beats Radio: Hacking a Radio for Traveling Business Man/designer.

by swlivingstone in Circuits > Electronics

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Beats Radio: Hacking a Radio for Traveling Business Man/designer.

Beats by Dr Dre bring you high quality music through very comfortable headphones. Beats Radio brings this same quality of music but through all your favourite radio channels. The radio is small and compact and can be transported via the handle at the top. The three types of headphones that Dr Dre manufactors will all be able to be placed on top of the radio. For the best comfort and fit we recommend using studio beats.

Taking Apart Sony Radio ICF-S22

You need to start by taking apart your sony radio. This can be done by using a different array of hand tools. There are a couple of screws on the back on the radio so you will need to remove these. Then using a screw driver or another implement you need to pry open the radio and remove the casing. Once inside you will need to unscrew 2 more screws which attach the circuit board to the the plastic casing. Once you have done this then you have taken apart your radio. 

Exploded Diagram

This is the exploded diagram of the radio. 

Materials list:

x1 1000mm x 1000mm x 12mm (This should be a sufficient amount of MDF for the whole model)
x1 Tub Of Wood Filler
x1 Sony ICF-S22 Radio ( or any other small portable radio)
x1 Beats by Dr Dre Studio Headphones
x1 Push Switch
x1 Removable Battery Pack
x1 15mm dowel 
x1 PVA glue

Equipment List:

x1 Band Saw 
x1 Drill
x1 Hand Sander (or just a bit of sand paper)
x1 Wood Filler
x1 Primer Spray Paint
x1 White Spray Paint
x1 Soldering Iron
x1 Wrap of Multicord Wire
x1 Wrap of Solder


Changing Circuit Board

Once you have the circuit out of the casing you will need to take your components and solder them to the circuit. There is only one component which you need to add to the circuit and that is the push switch. You will need to extend three different components. These are the Headphone jack, the volume control  and the battery pack. This is easily done with a soldering iron and some solder. You will also need multi cord wire to extend these components. The volume control on this radio is also the the on/off switch so you need to attack the push switch across the volume control and disconnect the volume control from the circuit

Starting Prototype ( Headphone Stand)

To start the headphone stand you will need to cut two bits of MDF with dimensions 159x 180 x 36. Then you must use PVA glue to glue them together. This glue does not take long to set. It should say how long on the back of the glue. Once you have done this sand the edges down so that it is an even edge.

Cutting Headphone Stand

To get the curve of the headphones you need to have your Studio Beats present. You will need to put them against the the MDF and draw the shape of the curve. I know this does not seem very accurate but i found it to the best way to get the perfect curve. Once you have done this again you need to sand the block of wood down to give it a soft edge. You need to build this part of the radio in layers because if you have a band saw you will know you cannot cut anything that is over 50mm thick.

You will need to get two more layers of 12mm MDF and glue them together, you will need to do this twice for both sides of the headphones stand. Any size will do because you will be cutting them to size with the plainer. You will need to take these two bits of MDF and clamp them to each side of the headphone stand. Then you will need to again draw the profile of the headphone ear parts. 

Once you have done this you will have a very rough edge and you will need to sand this down with a belt sander or a bit of normal sand paper. If you do this correctly you will get a very nice finish.

Gluing Side Pods to Main Body

Once you have completed the plaining and sanding of both sides you will need to then glue them to the main part of the headphone stand. This is very simple, you just need to use PVA glue and clamp it to the main body. Leave this to dry and you should get what you see below.

There is a very sharp edge where the two side part meet the main body. To make this a softer edge you will need to use your wood filler and mold it to the edge. Then you need yo wet your finger and slide it along so it curves. Once you have done this leave the wood filler to dry.

Once the wood filler had dried you will need to sand it down to give it a nice finish. Wrap the sand paper round a piece of dowel and this will give you the finish you need.


For the handle you will need to again glue two bits of 12mm MDF together. Once you have done this you will need to then cut it to size. The dimensions are 133 x 159 x 36. When this is cut to shape you will need to cut the shape of the curve on the headphone stand into the handle and drill the holes for the handle. 

You will need to take your the main headphone stand and draw the profile of the curve on the MDF. Once you have done this use a band saw to cut the shape out. The shape will be very rough so you will need sand it down with a piece of sand paper.

Next you will need to drill the holes for the handle. You will need a drill bit that is size 28mm to do this. From edge to edge of the holes it measures 94mm.

You will need to then use the plainer again to make a curve for the handle. You need to draw the curve on free hand or use an elipse to draw it. As before with the curve on the headphone stand you need to plain it and then use the hand sander and sand paper to give it a softer edge.

The circuit board must be placed inside the radio so you will need to use a milling machine and mill out a casing in the middle. It should be 25mm deep and measure the width of the circuit board and the battery pack combined. You will also need to mill out a small casing for the lid. This is 2mm all around bigger then the size you have milled for the circuit board. 

The headphone jack will need a small space in the front of the handle. Use a small drill bit of 10mm to make this whole.

On/Off Button

Now you need to create the on/off button. First you will need to drill a hole all the way through from the top of the radio headphone stand down to the bottom. Then you need to cut a small square out of the top so the switch can fit in. This measure 32mm by 13mm. The hole needs to be about 25mm deep. 

To make the button is very simple. You only need a small bit of MDF that measures 32x25. Once you have this shape you will need to sand the edges so that it fits to the hole. 

Drilling Holes for Wires and Making Lid.

You will need to drill hoes in the handle so that you can fit wires through. This is easy. It can be any size because it is only for use for putting wires through. It must be right in the middle of the headphone stand so it can meet up with the other hole which you have drilled in the centre.

Making the lid is very simple as well. It is a small piece of MDF that is 2mm thick. It measures 95mm by 105mm. It need to be curved in one corner so you can pull it off to change the batteries. you should place it on the handle and sand it to compensate for the curve of the handle.

Final Assemlby

Once you have finished all the part you need to then assemble them. Again you must use PVA glue to do this. Once you have glued them together you must use wood filler to fill in the gaps. You need to what you did before and sand it down with a small piece of sand paper. 

Once this is finished you will need to feed your wires through the hold at the top and through to the handle. This is very tricky you will need to patience to do this. When you have done this you can assemble them all together.

To make the knobs again use some 12mm thick MDF and cut them to shape. You can use any size of circle you want as long as they don't overlap each other. Then you must take two bits of dowel and attach them to the circuit and cut holes the size of the dowel into the lid. Then glue the dowel to the circuit and the knobs.

When you have assembled everything you will then need to spray paint it. Use 3-4 coats of primer and then use 2 coats of white spray paint. Once you paint has dried you should have the finished product.