Battery Holder
In this instructable, you can see a battery holder, for two AA batteries, that I've made.
Three years ago, I made a portable, hand-held, electromagnet (pictures above), but I didn't make a battery holder that time. So, I did it now! The batteries are in series connected.
A Piece of Carton Paper
First, I took a small piece of thin carton paper.
Measuring and Cutting
Then, I measured and cut in the desirable dimensions.
Bending the Edges
I bent the upper and lower edges of the carton paper in 90 degrees angle, for the contacts to glue on.
Making Holes for the Wires
I made two holes for the wires using my Swiss Army knife.
Making It Hard
I applied instant glue on the paper, to make it hard. [(It didn't really work! So, I added a piece of thin metal strip (pic. 3) to make it more rigid)].
Cutting the Contacts
A piece of copper from an old extension socket, was used to make the new contacts. I cut a notch with a Dremel tool, on the two contacts of the upper part of the battery holder, for the wires.
Gluing the Contacts
Finally, I glued the contacts on the piece of paper. You can see that I made some changes in shape of the holder, in order to make it fit inside the electromagnet.
Now, you can see the electromagnet in action!