Bathroom Counter Burn Removed! (Without Removing the Countertop!)

by DYI-er in Living > Life Hacks

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Bathroom Counter Burn Removed! (Without Removing the Countertop!)


I'd been barely tolerating this flat iron burn on my cultured marble bathroom counter for about a year. One weekend I decided to take things in my own hands and try to do something about it. I would love new counter tops, but there are other priority projects that need to be done with my home that made it not cost effective.

Step 1: Gather Supplies


I texted my husband at his deer lease with the simple question, "Where is the palm sander?". (I had to spend a few minutes relieving the fear that I apparently evoked with that text. FYI, I get bored frequently & do projects.) Electric Palm Sander located, sand paper, scissors & some sheets for drapes.

Step 2: Prep & Begin


It is my recommendation to remove EVERYTHING from the bathroom and put into the next room. Work with the door closed. This creates a RIDICULOUS amount of powder/dust that layers every surface. I also used a scarf around my face & protective glasses to keep from breathing it or getting it in my eyes.

I was a bit nervous about totally destroying my bathroom counters (and having to explain that to hubby when he gets home!).. so I started sanding with 'fine' sand paper.

Step 3: Will I Be Sanding FOREVER?!


OK, after 45 minutes... this is the result. Apparently the 'burn' had bubbled the cultured marble fairly deep. Using the 'fine' sand paper initially is like taking a plastic knife to a gun fight. It just wasn't getting the job done. I dusted myself off, and made a trip to the local hardware store and picked up the most coarse sand paper made for plastic/metal/wood.

That's More Like It!


After just 15 minutes of using the more course sand paper... progress! Use wide circular sweeping motions when sanding. Once the stain or burn is removed, use the fine sand paper to make the counter nice & smooth ** My counter is approximately 15 years old. I didn't realize until I began this project, that it actually had 'yellowed' a bit over the years. Once I got the burn totally removed, I had a 'white' circle. So I lightly went over the entire counter surface until the 'yellow' tinge was gone.



Project Cost: $6.00 for sand paper

Time: This is really a 1/2-1 day project to do it correctly and to also include cleanup, depending upon how deep the stain is & how much counter top you are sanding.

Bam! Burn gone & no need to come up with a really good story for hubby about how I destroyed the counter top. :)
I will now do some R&D to find out what I might use to seal the counter top if necessary. Good Luck!