Batch RPG Game
Hello all.
So recently, I've been looking around for some things to do with the Batch Coding that Windows offers.
As the title suggests, I've embarked on the massive quest to make a good RPG with Batch. As of now, I am on Version 0.1.4.
Please Note: This is a work in progress.
:Features Planned:
6 Classes
-2 per base class. 2x Fighter etc.
-Map changing will be in a later update
Functioning Inventory for all characters.
-What the above means is that as you gain new weapons etc., your inventory will change according to your loot pickups.
Working skills and feats
Fully fleshed out Shops and Inns
Workable AI/NPCS
-No kill X for Y gold style quests if possible
As little grinding as possible
ADMIN panel to edit game files
-Change maps, loot % starter inventory, etc.
:Features Implemented
1 workable class-Fighter
Base inventory set up
-No change due to loot pick ups yet
Base Map set up
Simple ADMIN panel set up
As you can see, I have a long way to go. Any advice that you may give me is always appreciated. I will keep this updated as best as I can.