
Made this for a friend who was super hyped about batman v superman
For this project you will need:Materials
1, Hardened steel plate
3, Black spray paint
1, Hacksaw or angle grinder
2, Hand files
3, Bench grinder
4, Rotary tool with sharpening and sanding bits
5, drill (optional)

mark out a piece of steel 5.5 inches by 2 inches and draw out the basic shape
Basic Shape

Cut out the basic square shape so it is easier to move and hold in the vice
this can take upwards of 30 mins if you are using a hacksaw about 5 if you use an angle grinder (but they are really dangerous) i got our mechanic to cut it out for me with the angle grinder (if i had to do it myself i would have used a hacksaw)
Rough Shape

cut off the excess material and then you are left with a rough shape
(you have to use a hacksaw for this part there isn't any quick way unless you have a plasma cutter)

use a file to clean up the shape then use the sandpaper to get rid of any surface rust
Base Coat

cover the batarang in primer (i used a rust neutralising one that i had lying around)
First Coat

paint it black

use the bench grinder to put in the bevels as pictured above (if you don't have a bench grinder you can use a hand file)

Re-coat in black paint and then get rid of the paint on the bevels using the sharpen bit on a rotary tool (this will also sharpen it obviously)

enjoy the fruits of your labour, go out hunting bad guys with this weird weapon or do what i did and pair it with a white background to get a nice photo
Other Stuff

don't throw this at people or property
wear ear, nose and eye protection when grinding or sanding use spray paint in a well ventilated area
Other notes
I learned that a soldier or airman assigned to somebody is called a batman so Alfred is batman's batman