Basic Electronic Amplifier 9v to 12v Cigar Box Closed Guitar Amp
by ️Roy Glen Gilliam in Circuits > Electronics
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Basic Electronic Amplifier 9v to 12v Cigar Box Closed Guitar Amp

Pick Out Your Cigar Box

I'm using a vintage Stand-up Display Cigar Box. I bought this years ago, but I'm also using another box inside this one to seal it up. The box I'm using inside - I bought at a local cigar shop for $1. I'm also using an air filter from my work - when the ambulance is serviced I ask for the air filter to recycle the metal part on top.
Find Parts for Amp

It is hard to find parts at local stores, because Radio Shack has gone bankrupt. I use Epo - Electronic Parts Outlet & Frys Electronics, both are local stores, but they don't carry all the parts I need, so I'm forced to buy from online stores too. I couldn't find a 3-watt Rheostat locally, so I bought a volume slide switch instead.
Solder Breadboard

Solder all parts to breadboard & add switches - power supply (I'm putting power supply on outside of cigar box, so I can use multiple power options). All switches and guitar input will be mounted to front of box.
Prepare Cigar Boxes

Cut & Drill out your cigar box to hide all amp parts. Mount speaker - I'm using a large 10oHm speaker. I can't mount it into box, so I am going to glue it with PC11 to hold it to back of box. I'm using another cigar box to hide the speaker & seal up the box. Then I'm using the front cover of cigar box to hide all backs of controls. Then using a wire from an old car filter to cover front of box. Cut to fit.
Put Everything Together

Place everything in Cigar Box & wire it for 9volt or 12volt - Or both. Test amp. Everything sounds good. Makes a nice practice amp. Can be used with battery, Usb into wall outlet, Usb in car, or Usb on laptop...