Basic Batch Coding

by ThatHacker-Hackers United in Circuits > Computers

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Basic Batch Coding


This Tutorial Will Introduce Basic Batch Commands

The Commands

@echo off - This gets rid of that c:\documents...etc

echo - This displays a message, (i.e "echo hello" = "hello") because if you type "hello" into CMD it will interpret "hello" as the command

cls - Clears the CMD of all text.

color - Changes the color (type "help color" for a list of colors).

goto - Goes to a particular statement in your text

pause - Pauses the command prompt and displays the message: Press any key to continue

if - A basic if Command

If not - a basic if not command

md/mkdir - makes a folder

set /p input=: - Prompts for User Input

set /a result=: - Does Math

%input% = the user input

color - changes color

:place - A seperate section in a batch file;most commonly used with goto

Basic Batch File (Password)

This is a simple Password Batch file

@echo off


color B

echo Enter Password

set /p pass=:

IF %pass% == password GOTO :passdone

IF NOT %pass% == password GOTO :passx


Color a

echo correct password



color c

echo Incorrect Password


GOTO :passenter

Basic Batch File (Calculator)

This is a simple calculator that only does addition others are more complex

@echo off

color B

echo Enter Number One

set /p N1=:

echo Enter Number Two

set /p N2=:

set /A result=: %N1% + %N2%

echo %result%


GOTO :home

Basic Batch File (Folder Maker)

@echo off


color B

echo Enter Folder Name

set /p name=:

md %name%

echo Folder Made



Your Done!

These are simple Batch Files. I hope you learned something!