Barber Half Dollar Silver Coin Pendant.

by CoinJ1 in Craft > Jewelry

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Barber Half Dollar Silver Coin Pendant.


Hello! In this video i am trying to show, how i made a pendant from the old silver coin, giving it a second life. Please watch the video, and read the step-by-step instruction below. Ask me any questions, i will try to answer as soon as i can.

Tools and Materials We Need

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Materials: Barber half dollar, a 1'' long thin strip of sterling silver scrap, flux, lead free solder, 000 steel wool, polishing paste.
Tools: Doming block and punches, scissors for metal works, buffing wheel, polishing wheel, propane torch, hammer, small file (not necessary) , small clamp, gloves, safety glasses and respiratory mask.

Safety aware: Always wear gloves and safety glasses during the process of making, to protect yourself. Respiratory mask is needed when soldering and sending metals and in other cases you think you need it.

Doming the Coin.

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We are choosing a proper doming punch and doming the coin with the hammer.

Cutting a Sterling Silver Strip

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Next, we have to cut a 1'' by 1/4'' sterling silver strip from the scrap piece. Thickness is between 20 and 26 ga, its not really important.

Making a Loop From Silver Strip and Fixing It on the Domed Coin

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Now we have to bend a strip into the loop .
Than, we flux all surfaces that need to be soldered, and put a small piece of solder on the coin.
Than, put the loop on the coin right on the eagle's tail on the reverse of the domed coin, and fix it by the small clamp( see last pic in this step).


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Soldering, using propane torch, see video. Please, note, fire should not be too big.

Buffing Edges on a Buffing Wheel, Sanding, Cleaning Inside.

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After 2 pieces are soldered together, we can buff edges of the loop to the smooth. Also ,we can clean inside using a 000 steel wool. Please, do not buff face of the coin.



Polishing, on the polishing machine, using a small amount of proper polishing paste. Result is on the last picture.
We done!
Pendant is for sale here. You welcome to look at my collection of handmade coin jewelry !