Balloon Slingshot Game

I made my childhood game, as a child my friends and I would make a slingshot made of a balloon and with small stones, we would try to drop various objects

2 large empty water bottles
Rubber band
small stones
Preparation of the Slingshot

First, we will cut the bottle at the top of it.
Then place the balloon on the opening of the bottle
And turn the balloon into the inside (as seen in the video)
Put a rubber band on the opening so that the balloon does not move.
We'll put a little stone in the balloon ... and we are ready to play
The Game

In order to play, the empty bottle is placed a few meters away from the players.
Each player in turn aims at the bottle and tries to drop it, in case the player dropped the bottle another point is added to it.
If the bottle does not fall, the turn passes to the next player.
The winning player is the one who scored 5 points first.

This is a children's game, the slingshot should be aimed exclusively at objects made of plastic and placed in a safe place for the purposes of the game only, with the attention that no one from the environment will harm