Ball and Cup Game


A 8 inch stick that has at least a 1.5 inch diameter
A 2 foot piece of string
A drill
A 1 inch drill bit and a 1/8 inch drill bit
A sharp knife
A 1 inch by 1 inch piece of a stick or a 3/4 inch ball
A 2 foot piece of string
A drill
A 1 inch drill bit and a 1/8 inch drill bit
A sharp knife
A 1 inch by 1 inch piece of a stick or a 3/4 inch ball

The first thing you have to do is to carve the handle with the knife. Carve it enough so that the bark is off and the handle is smooth.

Next you will be using the 1 inch drill bit and drill a hole in the top of the stick about 1 inch down.

After that use the 1/8 size drill bit and drill a hole just above where you carved your handle.

Last put the string through the 1/8 inch hole and tie a big enough not where it won't go through. Then drill a 1/8 inch hole through the ball or 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch stick and put the string through, then tie a not.

Then your done!!!