Baking Soda Crystals

by KarenK116 in Workshop > Science

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Baking Soda Crystals


A popular science experiment for children and adults is growing crystals at home. This process can show how crystals form in nature. These beautiful crystals can be grown using simple household products, such as baking soda, water and jars. AND the crystals will form starting within the first day

What You Will Need

  • 1/4 cup Baking Soda
  • 2 cups Distilled Water (less impurities than tap water)
  • 2 8-Ounce Jars
  • 1 ft of Yarn
  • 2 Paper Clips
  • Food Color (optional)

Begin by Making a Super Saturated Baking Soda Solution

  • Place 2 cups of distilled water into a sauce pan over very low heat
  • Begin adding baking soda, a little at a time
  • Stirring mixture continuously
  • Continue adding baking soda until water is over saturated (when you see the baking soda settle to the bottom of the pan, approximately 1/4 cup)
  • Remove from heat and cool completely

Prepare Jars and Yarn

  • Clean 2 small 8 ounce jars with warm soapy water and rinse
  • I used Mason jars, but you can use any small jar
  • Set jars approximately 6 inches apart on a plate
  • Cut a piece of yarn approximately 12 inches long
  • Tie a paperclip to each end of the yarn to serve as weights to hold the yarn down in the liquid
  • Pull or push the two jars together until the yarn forms a 'smiley' shape in-between them

To speed up the crystal growth process, you can soak the string in the saturated solution before stringing it between the jars

Pour Solution Into Jars

  • Fill both jars with the saturated baking soda water solution
  • Make sure the 'smiley' part of the yarn hangs below the liquid
  • Place your experiment in a place where it won't be disturbed during the crystal growing process. Even the slightest movement may cause the experiment to fail
  • Leave the jars for 2 to 3 days to allow the crystals to form

Add Food Color (optional)


Add a drop of food color to each jar if you like

Day 1


After 12 Hours


Day 2


Day 3


The Crystals Also Like Growing on the Edge of the Jars
