Back Yard Privacy Fence Renovation

by rickdod3 in Outside > Backyard

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Back Yard Privacy Fence Renovation

Privacy Fence Thumbnail.jpg

I purchased my new home in April of this year, overall a very nice starter home. Everything was completely renovated inside and out...everything except for the fence! With a new goldendoodle puppy on the way, me and my girlfriend decided that it was time for an upgrade.

Terrible Fence Tear-down


The first step was tearing down the fence. Overall, this step was very simple...mostly because it was already falling down lol. The original verticle posts for the fence we hammered into the dirt so that made removing the post super simple.

Gather Materials


For this fence, I decided to go with the 6' tall white vinyl material with aluminum posts. I came to this decision because I wanted a fence material that would last for many years to come with minimal maintenance.

All of the fence material (excluding the posts) was purchased from Lowes, here are list of my materials.

Posts: Americana Building Products Adjustable Aluminum Post Inserts. I work for ABP and this is a new product we will begin selling very soon.

Fence Panels:

Vinyl Post Sleeves:

Fence Panel Brackets:

Post Caps:

Dig Post Holes, and Set Posts in Concrete


As stated in the beginning of this instructable...I wanted a fence that wasn't going to need maintenance once a year, or rot away after 10 years. That being said, using all aluminum posts embedded in concrete should do the trick!

Each one of the posts are 24" underground, with (2) 50lbs bags of concrete poured into each hole. I have been told this is overkill for my area and fence...however, better safe than sorry!

Digging each hole by hand ended up being my only option due to several large tree roots. If you can afford it I HIGHLY recommend hiring someone with an auger attachment for a will make quick work of your post holes.

Once I had my holes dug out, I inserted my posts. To ensure that each post was level I purchased a "post level" from was the best $5 investment I've ever made. It made quick work of ensuring that the post was plumb. Once the post was good and plumb, I poured my concrete mix into the hole...and waited about an hour before continuing.

First Panel Assembly


After the first post had cured enough. I slid the vinyl post sleeve over the aluminum post and then attached the first panel brackets to the post. Once the brackets were secured I inserted the first panel and attached it to the brackets on the first post.

The way this fence panel system is designed, you have to set your first post, install the brackets, then the panel and then set the next post.

In hindsight, this was a very slow way of installing a fence. Not being able to install all the posts at one time was a pain in the neck...but overall it allowed me to make sure each post was parallel with the last one. Ensuring that my entire fence was nice and straight.

Repeat Steps 3-4 Until Finished


This project was a huge undertaking doing it 100% by myself. However, now that it is finished I am VERY happy with the results...and I know that it was done correctly and I shouldn't have to worry about it for years to come.

Thanks for looking!

Time invested: Lost count

Money invested: $3,000 (North side of yard and gate not in pictures, 110ft of fence, 25 aluminum posts and gate installed all together)

New Fence, Happy Puppy!

During the new fence building process, me and my girlfriend finally got to pick up our new puppy.

This is a video of his first time being able to roam around our yard freely!

Thanks for looking! If you have any questions feel free to message me or post a comment below!