Baby Gym

hula hoop - 1
rope - several yards
lynch lock pin - 1
wine bottle corks - 4
elastic fabric
needle & thread
hula hoop - 1
rope - several yards
lynch lock pin - 1
wine bottle corks - 4
elastic fabric
needle & thread
Hula Hoop

1. Hula hoop will be our frame.
Saw Hula Hoop in 2

2. Saw the hula hoop in 2 approximately equal parts. One half should be slightly larger than the other, so that it reaches the floor when positioned over the other shorter half -- but precision is not essential.
Drill a Hole Through the 2 Halves in the Middle

3. Place the 2 hula hoop halves over each other in the final configuration and drill a hole through the 2 halves in the middle. The 2 parts can then be pinned using the lynch lock pin.
Sew 2 Jackets With Loops

4. Sew 2 jackets with loops (as many as you want & wherever you want them) to hang the toys. The fabric for the jackets should be preferably elastic, so it will be easy to put the jackets on the 2 halves of the hoop.
Put the Jackets on the Frames and Pin Them

5 . Make 2 holes in the middle of the jackets (as you made 2 holes in the middle of the frames) so they match over each other- the holes in the fabric are needed to pin the lynch lock pin through.
Trim 4 Corks for the Legs

6. Corks can be used to tie together the legs. Our local Whole Foods recycles corks, so that's where we obtained them. You need 4 corks. Trim the corks so they can fit inside the hoop snugly.
Drill a Hole Through Each Cork

7. And drill a hole through each cork sufficient to thread the rope. Thread the rope and tie a knot on the side the cork to be fitted inside the hoop.
Connect All for Legs With the Rope

8. Connect all for legs with the rope around the perimeter of the baby gym and hang the toys.