BT-80 Garden Droid

by bkturnour in Workshop > 3D Design

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BT-80’s main purpose is in agriculture and farming. It features 4 wheels, with large suspension so it can drive over fields of plants without hurting them. The silo mounted on its left side can hold millions of small seeds, which get fed through the hourglass shaped module, where each seed is fertilized and boosted so that it can grow quickly. BT-80’s drill helps dig the hole, and place the seed inside. The droid can go row by row planting seeds until it determines when it’s time to stop (the poor guy gets bored pretty quick). BT-80 has a satellite dish which is used to receive data from the planet’s atmosphere, and use the information in planting its crops. In reality it uses it to chat with other robots in the field, in an attempt to pass the time (Like most droids, BT-80 is fluent in Binary). BT-80 has vision which helps it detect whenever it makes a mistake. Its neck like joints allow it to be rather expressive! If a human would like to tag along and help, BT-80 also includes a mount for a spade, shovel, or other tool on the top section of its body.

I made this droid in Fusion360, and used its native texture library for all of the coloring. It has 17 components, with some animated joints in the neck and wheel areas. The file includes over 100 sketches, with some very fine details in its pipes, heatsinks, suspension, etc.

When choosing this design, I researched the shape-language of droids in the Star Wars Universe, but also agriculture robots here on earth, and combined them to make BT-80. For example the paneling and "head" of the droid come heavily from Star Wars, but the wheels and suspension are more similar to real life agriculture robots.

For manufacturing, this could be printed in a single piece on a resin printer, or in a couple small pieces if joints are included.

May the force be with you!