Have you troubles to get your cds on place...?
Tired of all those broomsticks on the junk cans...? l
Well my friends´s time to bring them back to live and make something cool with them.
Tired of all those broomsticks on the junk cans...? l
Well my friends´s time to bring them back to live and make something cool with them.
Googles and leather gloves.
Drill. or Drill press it´s better
1/8 Drill Bit.
Bench Vise
Wood glue.
6 Nails.
Wood paint.
1 Broom Stick.
1 package of Bamboo skewers sticks.
Measure Time.
Simply trace a straight line along the stick and divide it in three pieces.
Each two cms trace a little line and begin to drill small holes with the drill bit of 1/8.
Divide the bamboo sticks in a half. and begin to stick in each hole, finally Nail the base up and down. The structure.
Wrap around the structure with stripes of old tubes bikes, put some weight on the top of the structure, and let the glue dry by almost one or two days.
Paint Time.
Put some Paint and have done something cool with something that everyone and everyday people waste .
Hope you like it...until the next Ible...gonna be very soon.
Hope you like it...until the next Ible...gonna be very soon.