This is a bike trailer I made for my kids from an old go-kart , and a section from a weights bench.
Butcher the Broken Go-kart
I chopped up the broken kart and used the front end as it had a nicer shape to it, the steering mechanism was removed and the turning parts were welded up so it ran true.
Coupling From Bike to Trailer
I was looking for a coupling which wouldnt interfere with the rear wheel of the bike . The hinged part of an old weights bench was the best option.
Bolting to Bike
The steering bar which was removed earlier was cut and welded to the weights bench part.
Paint -footrests- Seat Base
I painted and laquered the frame red,added some stunt pegs for feet rests and attached a base for different seats etc using a pice of inch plywood , also stapled some pvc to the wood as it looked neater than painting the wood.
Different Seats
This was an old spinning chair the kids had worn out (thankfully) it can be positioned like this or tilted level for carrying shopping etc
Quick Release Bolt for Bike Wheel
I made this quick release bolt by welding the nut from the bike axle into an old wheel brace and cutting the brace down so it was big eneogh to release by hand and small eneogh not to get in the way.