"BIKE BUCKET" - Bicycle Stand - Portable, Cheap, Lightweight

by irishmail in Outside > Bikes

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"BIKE BUCKET" - Bicycle Stand - Portable, Cheap, Lightweight

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A slotted plastic bucket becomes a surprisingly sturdy bike stand.

For National Bike Month, the local farmers market wanted our 'kinetic sculptures' on display. We needed some kind of racks or stands, quickly and on the cheap.

"THE RUSTBUCKET" sculpture ( 1ST PHOTO )

"THE SPIN-DOCTOR" sculpture ( 2ND PHOTO )

The "BIKE BUCKET" is a great solution for the garage, patio, or apartment.

[ shameless plug: this is entered in the BICYCLE CONTEST - please take the time/effort to VOTE for my innovation ]

- P R E P a R a T I O N

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a FIVE-GALLON bucket, also known as a PAIL - any old strong-rimmed pail will work

Our first few buckets were from a local soap maker, and still had gooey coconut oil on the insides. There are really strong-rimmed buckets available - mostly for chemicals or other specialty contents ( 2ND PHOTO )

a carpenter's tri-square, with a steel rule
a pointed marker
a hand saw
( a coping saw or sabre saw, if you want to make curves )

Measure the width of your bicycle tire. A beach cruiser is typically the widest, and a 2-1/2" slot will accommodate any bicycle with ease. If you have a fixie or other road bike, a smaller slot is just fine.

Turn the bucket upside down, and mark a center line on the bottom. Then mark the slot, 1-1/4" on either side of the center line. To keep your bike balanced, it is very important that the slot is VERTICAL, so use the tri-square to mark all four vertical lines on the sides.

( ps: it would be easy to also mark the AXLE SLOT(S) at this time - read ahead to CONSTRUCTION, and come back here )

- C O N S T R U C T I O N

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Cut through the bottom rim at each of the four 'corners', with the hand saw. Follow your layout lines closely.

Cut across and through the bottom, placing the saw blade into the notches at the 'corners' as your guide.

Cut along each of the vertical lines. If your cuts aren't vertical, your bike won't be either.

Turn the bucket on its side and lightly make a small cut along the reinforced ridge, between your vertical cuts. (2ND PHOTO)
Repeat the small cut on the other side of the bucket.

Bend the strip back and forth until the plastic strip snaps off. (PHOTO 3)  Remove and discard the plastic strip.

Cut two slots for the front axle to fit through. Mine is one inch wide and almost six inches from end to end. (PHOTO 4)

- C O M P L E T I O N

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Well, your "BIKE BUCKET" was already done, by the end of Step 2.

Roll your front wheel partly into the WHEEL SLOT. Lift the bicycle and set the front axle into the AXLE SLOT(S). Straighten the handlebars and let go. Ta-Da!

Here are SEVERAL photos demonstrating that the wide slot works quite well for a variety of  wheel sizes.

The ends of the front fork will slip right down into the bucket, unless you have a mountain bike with heavy-duty outboard forks. (PHOTOS 2 & 3) The thick ends of these wide forks will rest on the bucket with the axle still inside.

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Carry the "BIKE BUCKET" on your handle bars.

Decorate it with paint or tape. Let your kids personalize theirs.

Stack a few of them together when you go camping or to Burning Man. Make extras to trade for ??? on the Playa!!

The "BIKE BUCKET" makes a great gift.