by stonewallprops in Workshop > 3D Design

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droid v1.png
droid front.png
droid left.png
droid top.png
droid right.png
droid back.png

Lore: The BG series droids are a mechanical progression of the BD series droids from the age of the empire. The BGs where released in late 10 ABY equipped with front front appendages for grabbing and handling items or equipment. Due to the empires lasting effect on the galaxy, the motivators these droids come with leave them with a "grumpy" personality. The right side of the head of these droids contain a hidden tray/drawer that houses the Scomp link, extra manipulator and an onboard welding torch (not shown in model).

BG-D7: BG lives in the workshop of a collector of oddities and various war memorabilia from both The Clone Wars and The Galactic Civil War. He is helpful around the shop somewhat reluctant to preform tasks around the shop but we cant hold that against him its how he's made. The sporty yellow he's coated in is flashy as well as the collectors favorite color, unfortunately hes had an accident in the shop recently leaving his left leg bare of color well need to do a re coating soon but for now he's going to have to live with it.

design notes: I had a ton of fun coming up with the designs for this little fella hes inspired by BD-1 from the Jedi series of games but his head is based off of a Bell and Howell studio series camera that I've turned into a set of in universe macrobinoculars his body was originally based on a VCR but not so much after so of the reworks I've done I had ideas of making the hidden tray in his head but I had not figured out how to pull it off so that only exists in the lore of this little guy.

closing remarks: I've tried my best to come up with something unique for this world I love so much and stay in with the design elements set by ILM from the beginning. I love this little guy I created and I hope you will too, Thank you!