BB-8 Snowman, Star Wars
Nothing says Merry Christmas like a BB-8 Snowman. Olaf... eat your frozen heart out!
Roll Up Some Snow and Get Some Accessories
- Roll him: Try to get as round of a ball as you can get for the body. Then pop a half ball on top for the head. Notice the shape on the head, it takes a little sculpting by hand to get it just right
- I used an old coax cable for his antennas
- I spray painted the bottom of a pop can for the eye lens
Color Him
Color Him
- I mixed food coloring with water in a spray bottle.
- Make it really concentrated
- Let the water chill outside as much as possible without freezing so it doesn't just melt on contact.
- I made stencils out of a pizza box to help guide it. Held them in place with help of the kids and a knife
- The second time i colored it i just free handed it once i was familiar with how it sprayed.
We had to move him since he was blocking the car in the garage.... so my little scavenger helped move him. He now wishes cars a Merry Star Wars Christmas at the end of the driveway.
I did have to reapply color.