Azan Clock

This project is supposed to remind Muslims of their prayer times. Muslims are expected to pray five times a day. The "Azan" prayer call plays through the speaker when it is time to pray. The right prayer times are updated daily by using API calls. It can run on its own using a battery pack.
- Rasperry Pi Pico W
- Breadboard
- Speaker
- SD Card
- 1/8 Baltic Birch
- Battery pack (optional)
This project requires two API calls. One to get the current time and the second API to the get the prayer times. It is important to note that the community library for scheduling "circuitpython_schedule.mpy" needs to be imported. The two API Urls are the following:
- (current time)
- (prayer times)
# Internet time, rtc, schedule jobs
import os, time, ssl, wifi, socketpool, adafruit_requests
import board, rtc
import circuitpython_schedule as schedule
from audiopwmio import PWMAudioOut as AudioOut
from audiocore import WaveFile
import busio, sdcardio, storage
# setup SD Card pins for SPI
sck = board.GP10
si = board.GP11
so = board.GP12
cs = board.GP13
spi = busio.SPI(sck, si, so)
sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, cs)
vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard)
storage.mount(vfs, "/sd")
# setup audio
from audiomp3 import MP3Decoder
from audiopwmio import PWMAudioOut as AudioOut
audio = AudioOut(board.GP15)
path = "/sd/robot_sounds/"
filename = "0.mp3"
mp3_file = open(path + filename, "rb")
decoder = MP3Decoder(mp3_file)
# function to play mp3 files
def play_mp3(filename):
decoder.file = open(path + filename, "rb")
while audio.playing:
# set up real time clock
clock = rtc.RTC()
# log into the WIFI networl using credentials in settings.toml"WIFI_SSID"), os.getenv("WIFI_PASSWORD"))
print("Connected to WiFi!")
# sockets set up an endpoint for communication as a resuable 'pool'
pool = socketpool.SocketPool(
# create an object so that a request for web data can be made
requests = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context())
# to get the time, setup the correct URL for the API call
url = ""
url2 = ""
def get_time():
print(f"Accessing url: {url}")
response = requests.get(url)
# convert response into json
json = response.json()
# parse out values that we want
unixtime = json["unixtime"]
raw_offset = json["raw_offset"]
# create the local time in seconds
location_time = unixtime + raw_offset
# turn seconds into time components #h #min #secs
current_time = time.localtime(location_time)
# format and print time & date
printable_time = f"{current_time.tm_hour:d}:{current_time.tm_min:02d}:{current_time.tm_sec:02d}"
printable_date = f"{current_time.tm_mon:d}/{current_time.tm_mday:d}/{current_time.tm_year:02d}"
print(f"Printable_time: {printable_time}")
print(f"Printable_date: {printable_date}")
# set the rtc with the component time in current_time
clock.datetime = time.struct_time(current_time)
return printable_time
def get_time2():
print(f"Accessing url: {url2}")
response = requests.get(url2)
# convert response into json
json = response.json()
# parse out values that we want
timings = json["data"]["timings"]
prayer_times = [timings['Fajr'], timings['Dhuhr'], timings['Asr'], timings['Maghrib'], timings['Isha']]
print(f"Prayer times: {prayer_times}")
return prayer_times
def job():
print("PRAYER TIME !!!!!!!!")
# Call get_time() once, first to get the time from the internet
printable_time = get_time()
prayer_times = get_time2()
# Schedule the jobs
prayer_times.append("11:08") # add extra time to the for example run
for alarm_time in prayer_times:
while True:

The front has been designed by using Adobe Illustrator and represents a mosque. The design for the box behind was from and uses a living hinge. Additionally, a hole for the speaker has been created. All the electronics are in the box. The different parts have been glued together.