Lighted Speaker Enclosure
Hello all and welcome back to one of my instructables, this is going to be a simple project that creates a quite an impressive show. This project all began when I realized how much extra stuff I had around, so here's how it started I originally got the amp to make a speaker system for a hometheater but a friend gave me a much newer one that he didn't need, then I was able to get the speakers quite cheap from a pawn shop and the two black ones I had from previous project, then after my most recent project, an interactive LED table I had a ton of LEDs left over so I got to thinking and here is the beginning part of the contest I hve made the LED installation will be in a later post.
Here is a link to a video of it in the dark:
Also here is a link to my previous instructable about an interactive LED Table.
Gather Your Parts
1) 4 Speakers (Boston Acoustics DSi 455)
2) 2 Smaller Speakers or the same as above. (Sony XS-T1641)
3) Amplifier capable of running your speakers (Yamaha RX-V757)
4) Solder
5) Plug in Soldering iron (30 Watt)
6) Wire Cutters
7) Pliers
8) Rubber Bands
9) Speaker Wire (20 and 16 gauge)
10) Wire Strippers
11) 14 gauge wire (about 10 ft)
12) 3.5mm Music Cable Or whatever size plug your audio device has.
13) TIP31 Transistor (TIP31AC i think)
14) 90 LEDs (Blue) Color is up to you
15) Hot Glue and Gun
16) Cabinent Material (24" x 48" x .5" Particle board from Homedepot)
17) Wood Glue
18) Disposable Camera
19) Table Saw or Circular Saw
20) Jig Saw (or dremel wood cutting bit)
1) Assorted color LEDs.
2) A second TIP31 transistor
3) Tin Foil
4) Brad Nailer or finish nailer
5) Towels or soft foam
So to Start...
Cutting the Speakers
Drilling for the LEDs
Once again you need to lay out your design totalling 74 on whichever sides you want, be sure to measure it all out and make everything even so it all looks nice and not just thrown together. Once your done with that its time to drill you want to drill from the front to the back of the board because when the bit punches throught it will tear a little bit of the board and you don't want that on the front, once they're all drilled its on to the next step...
Speaker Installation