Automatic Humidifier

William Medeiros
Anthony Gonzalez
California Maritime Academy (Marine Engineering Technology)
Professor Chang-Siu (ET370 Electronics)
The Idea:
The automatic humidifier is supposed to allow people to take better care of their plants. Since there is specific species of plants that required higher humidity to thrive we thought of creating an automatic humidifier that would adjust the humidity to the users setpoint would be useful. Furthermore, the acrylic cage will allow users to either provide humidity to a few small plants or with the removal of it to their whole collection. There is button A and Button B that help determine if the water level is slow and if we are allowed to continue with regular operations.
1. acrylic panel
2. wires
3. resistors
4. Arduino Uno
5. water level indicator
6. atomizer
7. plastic bottles
8. PVC pipe
9. LCD screen
10. Silicon
List of Bill of Material
Project Functionality

Above is a representation of the basic function of the automatic humidifier. The humidifier is designed to do nothing until a button is pressed. Pressing button 'B' will let you know if the water level is low and if the atomizer can be turned on. If the water level is low you will have to fill the humidifier before continuing. However, if the water level is sufficient you will be able to adjust the humidity with the potentiometer.
Electrical Circuit Diagram

The project was supplied by a 12 V power supply. There is two perf boards one that held button 'A' and button 'B' which were in charge of controlling the different states of the project. The secondary perf board had the water level indicator, humidity sensor, LCD screen, and atomizer connected to it. Furthermore the atomizer was controlled by a microcontroller to ensure it received signal and power.
Power Consumption/ Voltage/ Current Demands

Every part runs at 12 V or less. The power supply can meet demands for all parts since it provides 12 V with 2 A and 24 W. With every current demand added up it comes out to 0.7 A with a power demand of 2.5 W.
State Machine

The above diagram demonstrates the use of a state machine to help control the level of humidity desired. The first state "Rdy 2 get Stmy" is a do nothing state as it is used as more of a pivot to other states. If the water level is low when button 'B' is pressed it will take the user to state 3. If the water level is high it will take you to state 2. In 3 state the user has the ability to go back to state 1 or state 2 if the water has been added to the humidifier depending if button 'A' or 'B' is pressed.
If in state two the user will have the ability to control the humidity with the potentiometer. If for any reason the user does not want to use the humidifier any longer button 'B' will kill the system while retaining the humidity setting.

State 1 or 'rdy 2 get steamy' serves as a pivot to other states like 2 and 3. If button 'B' is pressed and the water level is low it will take you to state 3. However, if the water level is adequate it will allow you to go to state 2.
State 2 will display the temperature and humidity reading. State 2 is controlled by the water level indicator if the water level drops below designated value it will go to state 3. While in state 2 the user is able to set the humidity setting by using the potentiometer at any point the user is also able to stop the humidifier by pressing button 'B'.
State 3 is the low water level state and prevents the user from using the humidifier and potentially ruining it. While in state 3 the user can shut off the humidifier or fill the up the device and go to state 2.
CAD (Humidifier Body & Acrylic Cage)

The 3D cad model was designed as half of a whole project. so the idea will be to glue the two boxes together to complete the whole humidifier body. the dimensions for the single box is as follows: 6 inches wide, by 4.5 inches long, by 5 inches tall. the 2 large holes both have a diameter of about 1/2 inch. the LCD screen dimension is 2.6 inches by 0.7 inches. the potentiometer hole has a dimension of about 0.33 inches. the holes and LCD screen are movable based on how you prefer the location of them all.

Conclusions and Takeaways
Conclusion: The purpose of the automatic humidifier is to equip plant owners with the necessary tools to maintain the health of their plants. The over all purpose of the project is to enable people to provide a better environment for their plants to thrive. The project does this by providing the temperature and humidity on the LCD screen and by allowing the user to control the humidity with the potentiometer.
Takeaways: This project has helped us realize how much consistent effort goes into creating a functioning project. What started off as an idea turned into a CAD schematic and eventually a realized functioning device. The project taught us how to troubleshoot issues and to think on our feet. It was critical to be able to make split second decisions especially the closer we got to our deadline.
Video Link to Working Project Presentation
Below is the presentation of our project in a powerpoint format, explaining how the project works, and an actual video showing it working.