Automated Drink Mixer

Quinton Cacal, Anthony Menconi, Kellen Wiley
California Maritime Academy ET 370
Youtube Video:
This machine pumps liquid from two different bottles and mixes them together in a glass while poured. The motors to the pumps are powered off of a 12 volt power supply and the external processor and LED display are powered via a 5 volt power supply. The processor (Arduino Uno) controls the time each pump is operating in order to pour an 8oz serving every time. Selection buttons and a series of code (seen below) allow the user to choose from one of three drink strengths: weak, standard, or strong, which is determined by selecting either a small, medium, or large amount of liquid X (alcoholic liquid). The processor then adjusts the amount of filler liquid accordingly to hold the 8oz limit.
Materials Needed
Quantity Item Cost
2 Peristaltic Pumps $19.99
1 Liquid Bendable Line $9.99
1 Pack of Buttons $9.99
1 Arduino Uno $23.00
1 LCD Screen $12.99
2 NPN Mosfets $9.49
5 10k Ohm resistors $6.49
1 3D Printer Filament $19.99
1 12V Power Supply $13.99
1 Breadboard Mini $4.99
1 Wires $6.99
1 Bolts $4.25
1 Nuts $3.53
Soldering Iron, 3D Printer, Knife, Wire Strippers
Arduino Code & Solidworks Files

3D CAD Dimensions

Circuit Diagram & State Machine Diagram

* Must power the arduino using a USB or another power source than the Power Supply. The arduino and 2 motors starting will overload the power supply and restart the arduino.
3D Drawings & Power Calculations


Note: All the parts are press fit
1) Download the latest I2C library. HERE
2) Open the arduino code program and then click Sketch, Include Library, "Add .ZIP Library" and upload the downloaded file.
3) Wire the system on the breadboard/perfboard and ensure the LCD, motors, and selection buttons work before insertion into the 3D print.
4) Press fit all three buttons, ensuring you have them in the correct order, and then snap in the LCD display above all in the face of the housing. Match the buttons with the correct pins on the arduino.
5) Fold the Arduino and circuit board over on eachother like a sandwich. Rest the pumps in the rear compartment or feed out the back door if not enough space is available.
6) Feed discharge tubes through the discharge port in the bottom of the housing and connect the end to the discharge of the pumps. At this point it is easy to simply attach the suction tubes to the other side of the pump.
7) Nest the Arduino and circuit board in the forward part of the housing. Test the set up before finally snapping the lid into place as it may be a tight fit.
Improvements: Spending a few more bucks and getting higher quality pumps would help increase the time it takes to pump the liquid. Currently it takes 1.5 minutes for the longest pour. Spending a little more would help also getting a smaller arduino if possible would make it much easier to fit in the housing or increasing the Cad file to have more space for wires.
Takeaways: Building the project and designing it from scratch really took a long time and working slowly and constantly chipping away at it learning new things for arduino helped make this happen in the short amount of time that it took.