Auto Light

This project is very simple and easy to build. When a person enters the room, the door will trigger a button which leads to opening the lights in the room.
Materials needed for this project:
1. Arduino Stepper Motor x1 (including board)
2. Arduino Leonardo x1
3. 15-20 wires
4. Button x1
5. Tape x1
6. Breadboard x1
7.USB wire x1
8.Lego Pieces (optional)
9. Resistor x1
10. Portable Charger x1
Connecting Wires

Warning: The stepper motor cannot be used in the app I used to draw this image, so I inserted another image to help out.
By following the image above, your Arduino should be looking nice and clean, and ready to turn on some lights!
(make sure you connect the positive and negative correctly)

Align the stepper motor with the controller. Can be sideways or straight on.
(Every little movement can cause it to break, BE CAREFUL)
Download & Upload

Copy the code for this project here:
Upload the code to your Arduino board.
Your Done!

Enjoy your sweet auto lighting machine for your playful hearts!