Auto Kitty Litter

by jamalfrob in Circuits > Arduino

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Auto Kitty Litter

auto kitty.jpg

This device is actuated by two touches to a touchpad sensor. Once actuated the drum is meant to be rotated and dump excrement into a hidden compartment


Main components

  • Arduino
  • DC Hobby Motor
  • Touch Sensor
  • Motor Driver
  • Housing
  • Grate
  • Drum
  • Mat
  • Jumper wires


#define button_pin 2

#define AIN1 13

#define AIN2 12

#define PWMA 11

int button_press_count = 0;

int button_state = 0;

int prev_button_state = 0;

void setup() {



  pinMode(button_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set button pin as input with pull-up resistor

  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(AIN1, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(AIN2, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(PWMA, OUTPUT);

  Serial.println("Button Count:");


void loop() {

  button_state = digitalRead(button_pin);


  if (button_state != prev_button_state) {//count number of touches

    if (button_state == HIGH) {

      digitalWrite(13, LOW);

    } else { // Button press

      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);


      Serial.println(button_press_count); // Print the count




  prev_button_state = button_state;


  if (button_press_count == 2) {

    // if two presses counted Run DC motor in one direction for 3 seconds

    digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

    analogWrite(PWMA, 255);



    // Reverse DC motor direction for 3 seconds

    digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);

    digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH);

    analogWrite(PWMA, 255);


    //stop spinning

    digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);

    digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);

    analogWrite(PWMA, 0);



    // Reset button press count

    button_press_count = 0;




  • Secure down the stand for the motor and situate where Arduino bored will live with extra 9v battery
  • attach the drum to the DC motor I used a wheel that came with my Arduino kit centered it and attached the two together
  • create a roller to prop up the barrel and reduce the friction
  • make a grate that will sift the litter
  • also underneath the drum should live an excrement box where everything falls into once the drum rotates
  • cut a hole in the drum that aligns with the hidden excrement compartment
  • wire everything
  • create housing to cover everything

Video Link

example of how mine functioned:

For the Future

Future changes:


•Research of large touch sensors or

motion sensor

•Friction reduction

•Stronger DC motor/Replace with

strong servo