Art & Craft
Thread Art
Thread Art
Ply Panel of any size either rectangular or square,Woolen thread,plywood,nails,hammer,pen,pencil,glue
1.Take a piece of plywood of any thicknesses.(Here 1/4")
2.Make a border around the shape of the ply-sheet with pencil.Mark border first.
3.Now, Mark points at 1cm on every border line of the square or rectangle & Hammer the nails on sheet.
4.Take a woolen thread and specify thread's beginning point at any where as per your need and design pattern.
5.Once you fixed the start point of thread , make a beautiful pattern with thread until thread acquire all the marked points where nails has been fixed.
6.After finishing your design pattern, cut your remaining thread and make a knot of thread and again put a glue for permanent fixing at the end or tied a knot.