Arduino: the Chakra Scanner

by JeffreyS139 in Circuits > Art

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Arduino: the Chakra Scanner

Emo'teg Aura.png

With the chakra scanner you can scan your chakra by the pressure of your hand.

The chakra scanner consists of 4 global parts: The Chakra Doll, The Plate of Gold, The Box of Pandora and The Connector.


The materials you need for this project:

- Arduino Uno

- Arduino Uno USB-cable

- Pressure Sensor

- x46 male-female wires

- Breadboard

- x17 male-male wires

- Resistor 220 ohm

- Resistor 7600 ohm

- Pc or laptop

- Tape

- Carton

- Block of wood

- Powerbank

- Bubble plastic

- 1x of each LED White, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red

- Tyraps

The Box of Pandora


For The Box of Pandora take out your carton, tape and Stanley knife.

1. Cut out of the carton:

- one rectangle of 13cm by 16cm

- two rectangles of 13cm by 10cm

- two rectangles of 16cm by 10cm

2.1 Take the rectangle of 13cm by 16cm and place the rectangle of 13cm by 10cm on the edge of 13cm.

2.2. Take a peace of tape and connect these two together.

2.3. Take the other rectangle of 13cm by 10cm and lay this on the opposite side of the 13cm by 16cm rectangle And tape these two also together.

3. Take the left over rectangles and tape on the left over sides of the 13cm by 16cm rectangle, just like in step 2.

4. Pull the sides up so you get a box.

5. Tape the whole outside of the box so it fits.

Within The Box of Pandora there is the Arduino Uno.

6. Take your Arduino Uno and your laptop.

7. Download on your laptop the Arduino Software.

8. Download the ArduinoChakras.ino file, available in this Instructable.

9. Open the ArduinoChakras.ino file.

10. Connect your Arduino to your Computer with the Arduino USB-cable.

11. In the Arduino Software go to Tools > Port > Arduino Uno. To ensure the program recognizes the Arduino.

12. Press on the arrow to Upload the code to your Arduino.

Now your Arduino is correctly programmed you have to connect the pins, therefor you need all of the listed cables, breadboard, pressure sensor and LED's.

13. Take a look at the Breadboard Image above.

14. Take x7 male to male wires and put them like this:

Arduino 13 to Breadboard 5f

Arduino 12 to Breadboard 9f

Arduino 11 to Breadboard 13f

Arduino 10 to Breadboard 17f

Arduino 9 to Breadboard 20f

Arduino 8 to Breadboard 24f

Arduino 7 to Breadboard 28f

15. Take 42 Male to Female wires and connect them as pairs of 3.

16. Connect each LED with a pair Male to Female wire, remember the positive and the negative side.

17. Take the positive male end of the pair of cable and connect them like this to the Breadboard:

White LED: 5g

Purple LED: 9g

Blue LED: 13g

Green LED: 17g

Yellow LED: 20g

Orange LED: 24g

Red LED: 28g

18. Take the negative male end of the pair of cable and connect them like this to the Breadboard:

White LED: 4h

Purple LED: 8h

Blue LED: 12h

Green LED: 16h

Yellow LED: 19h

Orange LED: 23h

Red LED: 27h

19. Now we have to set these LED's in a parallel circuit, Take 8 Male to Male wires and connect them like this on the Breadboard:

27i to 23j

23i to 19j

19i to 16j

16i to 12j

12i to 8j

8i to 4j

4i to 1i

1g to 1c

20. Take your 220ohm resistor and connect its pins to Breadboard 1a and in the -.

21. Take a Male to Male pin and connect it to Arduino GND to Breadboard - (the same - row as in step 20.).

22. Take another Male to Male pin and connect it to Arduino 5V to Breadboard +.

23. Take another Male to Male pin and connect it to Arduino A0 to Breadboard 24e.

24. Take your 7600ohm resistor and connect its pins to Breadboard 24a and in the + (the same + row as in step 22).

25. Take another Male to Male pin and connect it to Breadboard 22a to Breadboard - (the same - row as in step 20).

26. Take 4 Male to Female wires and make pairs of 2.

27. Connect each pair of 2 to your pressure sensor, remember left and right.

28. Put the Male pin of the Male to Female wires like this:

Left: Breadboard 24d

Right: Breadboard 22c



The Chakra Doll


The Chakra Doll is the visualization of your chakras.

1. Take your blok of wood.

2. Carve out a human like doll out of the wood.

3. Make 7 holes in the wood from up to down. Keep in mind that your LED's will fit in them.

4. from up to bottom put the LED's in this order in the holes: White, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

5. Tyrap all the cables from behind.


The Connector


The Connector consists of carton, tape, bubble plastic and a pressure sensor.

1. Cut out of carton:

- A rectangle of 13cm by 10cm

- A rectangle of 13cm by 16cm

2. Cover both carton rectangle with tape.

3. Take the rectangle of 13cm by 10cm and place the pressure sensor on top with the wires up.

4. Cover the rectangle of 13cm by 10cp with bubble plastic which the pressure sensor is under near.

5. Hold the bubble plastic in place by a lint of tape.

6. Place on top the rectangle of 13cm of 16cm.

7. Hold the rectangle of 13cm by 16cm in place with a lint of tape.

The Plate of Gold


The Plate of Gold tells you the meaning of your chakra.

1. Download Plate of Gold.docx

2. The description is written in Dutch, you can use google translate to translate it to you desired language.

3. Print out the document on paper.

4. Cut out each color with description.

5. glue each color with description on your decorative plate.
