Arduino for Beginners

by embpic in Circuits > Electronics

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Arduino for Beginners


Nowadays, Makers, Developers are preferring Arduino for rapid development of the prototyping of projects.

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino has very good user community. Arduino board design uses variety of controllers which includes(AVR Family, nRF5x Family and fewer STM32 controllers and ESP8266/ESP32). Board has multiple Analog and Digital Input/Output pins. Board contains USB to Serial Converter as well which helps to program the controller.

In this post we will see How to use Arduino IDE and Arduino boards. Arduino is easy to use and very good option for prototyping projects.
You will get plenty of libraries and number of hardware build for arduino board which gets fit pin to pin to the module board and Arduino board.

If you are using Arduino board then you won't require any programmer or any tool to program to Arduino boards.
Because those board are already flashed with serial bootloader and ready to flash over usb to serial interface.

Points Covered in the Tutorial

Following points are covered in this tutorial.

1. Schematic Explained
2. Bootloader Explained
3. How to use Web Editor
4. How to Use Arduino IDE
5. Example on LED Blink
6. Example on Serial Interface
7. Example on Switch interface using polling method
8. Example on Switch interface using interrupt method
9. Example on ADC.

Required Components

Tutorial :

Arduino For Beginners | Getting Started | Software and Hardware Explained

Types of Board Can Be Used for Arduino Programming


More About Arduino Bootloader

What is a bootloader?

In Simple Language, Bootloader is piece of code which accept the code and write it to our own flash.

Bootloader is piece of code which execute first whenever you controller gets power ON or get reset then starts the application.

When bootloader get execute, it will check for command or Data on Interface like UART, SPI, CAN or USB.
Bootloader can be implement on UART, SPI, CAN or USB.

In case of bootloader, we don't need to use programmer every time. But if there no bootloader on controller then in that case we have to use programmer/Flasher.

And we have to use programmer/Flasherto flash bootloader. Once bootloader gets flashed then no need of programmer/Flasher.

Ardiuno comes with bootloader flashed on board.