Arduino Vumeter With 6 Operational Modes

by fdr1929 in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Vumeter With 6 Operational Modes

vuemtro imagen intro.JPG
Vumetro Multimodo Arduino
Vumetro Multimodo de Pared con Arduino
Vumetro Torre de Acrilico

Hello fellas, this is my first instructable, and yeah, i know it's not a full step by step, but i will show you in a general way how to make a Vumeter using Arduino and plus it has 6 different modes of operation as you can see in the video.


What you need in order to do it is:

1. An Arduino UNO Board.

2. At least 10 LED's.

3. 1k Resistors.x 11

4. Some wires.

5. Push button (Normally Open).x 1

6. 3.5mm Audio Stereo plug x 1.

The Diagram Connections

Vumetro esquematico con arduino y push button.jpg

Just follow the diagram connections that i post in this step and you will be ready to go, you shouldn't need anything else, just plug your Arduino to your pc, and the audio jack to your pc audio output or your phone, and play the music to see the magic happens. For chaging the mode you just press the push button and it will change from one mode to another. You can dispose the led's inside anything you want or just let them free, in my case i made an acrylic tower and put the led's inside of it..

The Arduino Code

vumetro codigo preview.JPG

This is the code for Arduino that will make your Vumeter work, once you have all the connections mentioned on the previous step, you just have to plug your Arduino into your PC and upload the code that i post you for downloading in the following link.

And that's all folks, if you have any doubt you can let me your comments below and i will be happy to help you.

Happy coding.