Arduino Uno Automatic Transporting Robot

by jonyeh1688 in Workshop > Electric Vehicles

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Arduino Uno Automatic Transporting Robot

IMG-0695 (1).jpg

This is a robot car that transports the objects with a jaw. If the ultrasonic sensor detects there is an object in front of the robot, the machine would catch the object up and move backwards to put the object back to the place that the user is. The robot would keep moving forward to detect the objects and stop until it finds another object in the way of the machine.



Fischer building blocks

Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno-F5


Dubont lines

Ultrasonic sensor



In all of the materials, I will build the Fischer building blocks into a car and connect the structure with the two Arduino boards to get the message from the code, which gives the instructions to the jaw and the ultrasonic sensor so the jaw is able to catch the things' directions and working in the system of the program that I wrote.

The Design Sketch

image_55415491 (1).JPG

The Circuit Sketch


The Code and the Notations


#define trigPin A0//Pin A0=trigPin

#define echoPin A1//Pin A1=echoPin

#include //Download the servo motor's programs from the library

Servo myservo;//Create the servo-related programs

void oPen(){

myservo.write(150);//Turn to 150 degree(open the jaw)

delay(500);//Remain for 0.5 seconds


void cLose(){

myservo.write(90); //Turn to 90 degree(close the jaw)

delay(500);//Remain for 0.5 seconds


void forwards() { digitalWrite(3,0);//Different pressure makes the motor move(The directions have to be tested by yourselves)

digitalWrite(5,1);//Different pressure makes the motor move(The directions have to be tested by yourselves)


void backwards() {

digitalWrite(3,1);//Different pressure makes the motor move(The directions have to be tested by yourselves)

digitalWrite(5,0);//Different pressure makes the motor move(The directions have to be tested by yourselves)


void sTop(){

digitalWrite(3,0);//Same pressure does not make the motor move(The directions have to be tested by yourselves)

digitalWrite(5,0);//Same pressure does not make the motor move(The directions have to be tested by yourselves) }

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600);//Set the baud(printing speed)

pinMode(3,OUTPUT);//Announce the output of pin 3

pinMode(5,OUTPUT);//Announce the output of pin 5

pinMode(trigPin,OUTPUT);//Announce the output of trigPin(the launched ultrasonic) pinMode(echoPin,INPUT);//Announce the input of echoPin(the reflected ultrasonic)

myservo.attach(5);//Annonce the servo is connected from pin 5(Not the normal pin, but the specialized pin for servo)


void loop() {

int duration, distance;//Create the two variables that are used to calculate the distances) digitalWrite(trigPin,HIGH);//Launch the signal to dectect the distance to something delayMicroseconds(1000);//Wait for the signal to detect

digitalWrite(trigPin,LOW);//Close the signal when the ultrasonic system's program is finished duration=pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);//Count the number that the echoPin get, if the time is too long, the system will give a zero of the value

distance=(duration*0.034/2) ;//Change the measurement to centimeters

Serial.println(distance);//Print the centimeter values out to make sure about the ultrasonic is usable

if (distance>10){//If the distance>10

oPen();//Open the jaw(get from the subprogram)

forwards();//Go foward(get from the subprogram)

digitalWrite(3,0);//Go foward

digitalWrite(5,1);//Go foward }


cLose();//Close the jaw(get from the subprogram)

sTop();//Stop the motor from moving(get from the subprogram)

digitalWrite(3,0);//Stop the motor

digitalWrite(5,0);//Stop the motor

delay(5000);//Wait for 5 seconds(to catch the object for a longer time)

digitalWrite(3,1);//Keep moving after stopping

digitalWrite(5,0);//Keep moving after stopping

delay(2000);//Going for two seconds and use the sensor to detect again



The Final Test


Make a Cover and Done!
