Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor With 2.8" TFT Screen Display

by BobWithTech in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor With 2.8" TFT Screen Display


Purpose and Capability:

This project intended to display distance value through the TFT screen from an output that is produced by Ultrasonic Sensor module.

Gather the Required Components


Bread Board Setup


Breadboard Attachment Setup:

  1. Attach two column point of power (+) allignment with jumper wire.
  2. Attach 3 row with 3 Resistor (220 - 1k ohm) with 1 row with jumper wire into the ground to prepare for the RGB installation.
  3. Attach 2 Resistor opposing with each other with same row of origin point to prepare for LED and Passive Buzzer installation.
  4. Attach 2 row into the ground column.

Start the Components Installation


Applying The Components:

  1. Apply the Passive Buzzer and red LED into the bread board
  2. Apply the Ultrasonic Sensor into the bread board with jumper wire connecting the vcc into the 5v Power column and the gnd into the ground column
  3. Apply the RGB LED (Common Cathode [-]) into the bread board

Wiring the Components


Wiring Setup Components:

This is wiring setup are part of the programming sketch .ino file for later on. You are welcome to change it based on your idea.

  • Wiring up the RGB LED; red attached to pin 22, green attached to pin 23 and blue attached to pin 26.
  • Wiring up the Ultrasonic Sensor; Trig attached to pin 30 and Echo attached to pin 31.
  • Wiring up the passive buzzer and red led to pin 34.

Getting the Library for TFT Display in Arduino IDE

Screenshot 2022-05-21 230409.png
Screenshot 2022-05-21 230556.png
Screenshot 2022-05-21 230740.png

Library Requirement:



  1. Go to Library Manager from the tools menu
  2. Search for Adafruit_GFX and install it
  3. Search fo MCUFRIEND_kbv and install it
  4. Library resources documentation datasheet

Additional Step:

For TFT Screen model HX8347 there are some library issue and it can be fixed through this step.

Upload the Arduino Sketch Part A

Screen Shot 2021-08-22 at 12.45.40.png

Part A Creating A New Sketch File:

Firstly Create New File on the Arduino IDE and Copy the Following Codes or go to my GitHub:

// By BobWithTech at All Involved Library setup are included from the library below:#include "Variable_Setup.h" //All function and library in there just to make it neatvoid setup() {  //Initialise the Serial Monitor for Debugging Purpose or etc  Serial.begin(9600);  //Pin Mode Setup  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);  pinMode(bPin, OUTPUT), pinMode(gPin, OUTPUT), pinMode(rPin, OUTPUT);  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT), pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);  uint16_t ID = tft.readID();  if (ID == 0xD3D3) ID = 0x9481; //force ID if write-only display  tft.begin(ID);  tft.setRotation(5); //Set Directinal Rotation Display Of The Intended Display    Serial.println(tft.width()); //print the maximum width dimension  Serial.println(tft.height()); //print the maximum height dimension    //Preparing the background display and clearing the previous display  startupDisplay(); //setting up the display}void loop() {  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:  final_result();  delay(70);}

Upload Arduino Sketch Part B

Screenshot 2022-05-21 225344.png

Part B Creating A New Library File:

Secondly press Ctrl+Shift+N to create a new tab on the Arduino IDE and name it "Variable_Setup.h"

then Copy the Following Codes in that tab with:

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Core graphics library// Initialising the tft Library#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>   // Hardware-specific libraryMCUFRIEND_kbv tft ;// LIST OF AVAILABLE FONTS:#include <Fonts/FreeSans9pt7b.h>#include <Fonts/FreeSans12pt7b.h>#include <Fonts/FreeSerif12pt7b.h>#include <FreeDefaultFonts.h>#include <Fonts/FreeSerifBold12pt7b.h>#include <Fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique18pt7b.h>#include <Fonts/FreeSansBold18pt7b.h>//16BIT HEX COLOR CODE:#define BLACK   0x0000#define RED     0xF800#define GREEN   0x07E0#define WHITE   0xFFFF#define GREY    0x8410#define PURPLE  0x8910#define YELLOW  0xFFE0#define SAFE    0x8550#define DARK_BLUE 0x18F1#define LIGHT_BLUE 0x0575#define CREAM 0xEF7D#define TEST    0x3333 //test color//DEFINING THE TRIG AND ECHO ULTRASONIC PIN#define trigPin 30#define echoPin 31int buzzerPin = 34;//led setup pinint rPin = 22, gPin = 23, bPin = 26;//variable for statement relatedint safeState, riskyState, dangerState;//ultrasonic output variable:long duration, distance;//int valuefloat distance2;//decimals valuevoid setRGB(int r, int g, int b) // RGB Function Setup{  analogWrite(rPin, r);  analogWrite(gPin, g);  analogWrite(bPin, b);}void tft_msg(int x, int y, int sz, const GFXfont * f, String msg){  int16_t x1, y1;  uint16_t wid, ht;  tft.setFont(f);  tft.setCursor(x, y);  tft.setTextColor(BLACK);  tft.setTextSize(sz);  tft.print(msg);}void tft_signs(int x, int y, int sz, const GFXfont * f, String msg, uint16_t color){  int16_t x1, y1;  uint16_t wid, ht;  tft.setFont(f);  tft.setCursor(x, y);  tft.setTextColor(color);  tft.setTextSize(sz);  tft.print(msg);}void startupDisplay(){  setRGB(0, 0, 0), delay(200);  setRGB(255, 0, 0), delay(200);  setRGB(0, 0, 255), delay(200);  setRGB(125, 125, 125), delay(200);  setRGB(255, 255, 255), delay(200);  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  tft.fillRoundRect(10, 5, 230, 40, 5, 0xEF7D);  //tft.fillRoundRect(250, 5, 50, 10, 3, WHITE);  int sety = 5;  for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)  {    tft.fillRoundRect(260, sety, 50, 9, 3, WHITE);    tft.drawRoundRect(260, sety, 50, 9, 3, GREY);    sety += 14;  }  tft_msg(22, 18, 2, NULL, "By BobWithTech");  tft.fillRoundRect(10, 50, 300, 60, 5, GREY);  tft.drawRoundRect(10, 50, 300, 60, 5, 0xEF7D);  tft.drawRoundRect(11, 51, 298, 58, 5, 0xEF7D);  tft.drawRoundRect(12, 52, 296, 56, 5, 0xEF7D);  tft_msg(16, 70, 3, NULL, "DISTANCE:");  tft.fillRoundRect(10, 118, 200, 30, 5, LIGHT_BLUE);  tft.drawRoundRect(10, 118, 200, 30, 5, 0xEF7D);  tft.drawRoundRect(11, 1119, 198, 28, 5, 0xEF7D);  tft_msg(14, 126, 2, NULL, "STATUS:");}// function for simple version of both serial and lcd output display logicvoid displayer(int safe, int risky, int danger, float ultradis){  //variable for screen animation setup  int v = 170, v1 = 190, line1 = 230, line2 = 168, line3 = 285, line4 = 128, lineX1 = 250, lineY1 = 223, lineX2 = 250, lineY2 = 223;  float scale = ultradis / 75;  float val_limit = (scale * 150) + 45;  tft.fillRect(10, 150, 200, 85, BLACK);  tft.fillRect(14, 182, 18, 18, GREY);//logo animation  tft.fillRect(32, 170, 10, 42, GREY);//logo animation  tft.fillRect(180, 70, 127, 24, GREY);// clear number screen  tft.fillRect(96, 126, 110, 16, LIGHT_BLUE);  tft.fillRect(220, 112, 86, 124, GREY);//clear symbol  ultradis = ultradis - 1;  String dis = String(ultradis);  if (safe == 1 && risky == 0 && danger == 0 ) {    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; x++) {      tft.drawLine(45, 180, 200 , v, WHITE);      v += 5;    }    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; x++) {      tft.drawLine(45, 200, 200, v1, WHITE);      v1 += 5;    }    tft_msg(180, 70, 3, NULL, dis);    tft_signs(96, 126, 2, NULL, "SAFE", GREEN);    for (int n = 0; n <= 12; n++)    {      tft.drawLine(line1, line2, lineX1 , lineY1, GREEN);      tft.drawLine(line3, line4, lineX2, lineY2, GREEN);      line1 += 1;      line3 += 1;      lineX1 += 1;      lineX2 += 1;    }  }  else if (safe == 0 && risky == 1 && danger == 0) {    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; x++) {      tft.drawLine(45, 180, val_limit, v, WHITE);      v += 5;    }    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; x++) {      tft.drawLine(45, 200, val_limit, v1, WHITE);      v1 += 5;    }    tft.fillRoundRect(val_limit, 170, 8, 45, 3, GREY);    tft_msg(180, 70, 3, NULL, dis);    tft_signs(96, 126, 2, NULL, "CAUTION", YELLOW);    tft.fillRoundRect(245, 118, 35, 75, 30, YELLOW);    tft.fillCircle(260, 215, 14, YELLOW);  }  else if (safe == 0 && risky == 0 && danger == 1)  {    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; x++) {      tft.drawLine(45, 180, val_limit, v, WHITE);      v += 5;    }    for (int x = 0; x <= 5; x++) {      tft.drawLine(45, 200, val_limit, v1, WHITE);      v1 += 5;    }    tft.fillRoundRect(val_limit, 170, 8, 45, 1, GREY);    tft_msg(180, 70, 3, NULL, dis);    tft_signs(96, 126, 2, NULL, "DANGEROUS", RED);    tft.fillRoundRect(225, 118, 30, 75, 30, RED);    tft.fillRoundRect(270, 118, 30, 75, 30, RED);    tft.fillCircle(240, 215, 14, RED);    tft.fillCircle(285, 215, 14, RED);    tone(buzzerPin, 950);  }}//Final functionvoid final_result(){  noTone(buzzerPin);  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);  delayMicroseconds(2);  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);  delayMicroseconds(10);  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);  distance = (duration / 2) / 29.1;//integers value  distance2 = (duration / 2) / 29.1;//decimal value  if (distance >= 75 || distance <= 0)  {    safeState = 1;    riskyState = 0;    dangerState = 0;    setRGB(0, 255, 0);    displayer(safeState, riskyState, dangerState, distance2);//Displayer Funtion  }  else if (distance > 25) {    safeState = 0;    riskyState = 1;    dangerState = 0;    setRGB(255, 255, 0);    displayer(safeState, riskyState, dangerState, distance2);  }  else  {    safeState = 0;    riskyState = 0;    dangerState = 1;    setRGB(255, 0, 0);    displayer(safeState, riskyState, dangerState, distance2);  }}

Finalise the Sketch and Upload It


Start the process of uploading the overall sketch into the Arduino.

Enjoy the Creation!

Ultrasonic Sensor on Arduino With TFT Screen Display

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