Arduino UNO Board

by Arduinolover_Ins in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino UNO Board


All the necesary Files to build the Arduino UNO as from factory.

In this article We are going to make a review about the Arduino UNO Board, in the end of this post, we will have all the necesary information to built the Arduino UNO as we have from factory. Lets get started...


  • Microcontroller: ATmega328
  • Operating Voltage: 5V
  • Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
  • Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
  • Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
  • Analog Input Pins: 6
  • DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
  • DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
  • Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
  • SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
  • EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
  • Clock Speed: 16 MHz



The first thing that We need to consider in the PCB process in the schematic diagram, attached you will find the orignal schematic diagram with the components used for the board, We made again the schematic from the Arduino schematic website.

You can get the schematic diagram : HERE



Before We continue with the PCB layout, it is important to indicate that You can use any software for PCB Desing, believe me there are many options, even if you use the best software it will not mean that you are the best pcb desinger, so in this case We are going to use The Altium Designer highly recommended if you want to enter in the pcb design world like a professional.

So after We finished and check our schematic circuit We need to switch from schematic to PCB layout. We can see the PCB with the Ground Plane, this helps for noise filter on the pcb. Also is important to remember that in the case of the microcontroller is necesary to place the crystal and the capacitor the closest possible.

Here after we finish the pcb layout We can get the Gerber files, there are two kind of gerber files we have to pay attention to it, the first GerberX2 and the other Gerber RS274X, most of the manufacturer use the second one Gerber RS274X, in some software we will just GerberX2 and Gerber (In the case of Altium Designer).

You can also download the Gerber Files: HERE

There are two kind of gerber files we have to pay attention to it, the first isGerberX2 and the other Gerber RS274X, most of the manufacturer use the second one Gerber RS274X



One of the features of Altium Designer is the 3D visualization, the 3d visualization is important and it give us the posibility to see and check our PCB and how it would be in real, also it can show us the components distribution and dimensions. Before I did not consider this feature so important, but the 3d visualization can show us if our footprint dimensions are ok, if all the components will be places without touching each other by mistake.

► Also very important to remember, if you are going to add 3d models, be carefull that you add in the Step AP214 format, the others extensions and formats can not work correctly.

The 3d visualization can show us if our footprint dimensions are ok, if all the components will be places without touching each other by mistake.



Once we finished our development board; it is time to bring it to life. In order to manufacture our board, We are going to use JLCPB Services.In case that you do not have an account yet, check out the bellow link


Let's bring our Pcb to life with JLCPCB manufacturer

How to Order our PCB in JLCPCB ?

Once We are register, and We logged in our account, We are ready to submit an order and receive our board in a very short time. In this case We need to update first the gerber files, which contains all the necesary information to build the pcb, You can get the gerber files in the link bellow.

Gerber Files: HERE

Upload your gerber files

Indicate the features

After the upload of our gerber files, We need to indicate the features of the board, in the next picture you can see the options available.

Add your shipping address

This part is very important, here you should write your currently address, where you would like to receive your pcb prototypes. It is not common but sometimes very rarely, you will need to pay extra feeds, but as I told you, it is very rarely.

Make the payment and finish the order

After you indicates this information, We continue with the payment section, These is the section where you can apply your coupons or discount codes. Basically We can complete the paymente by two general ways, Paypal or Credit card.

Receive your PCB

Days later, 7 days or few more, according to your location and custom broker process, You will receive your pcb prototypes.



JLCPCB has been at the fore front of the PCB industry. With over 14-year continuous innovation and improvement based on customers' need, we have been growing fast, and becoming a leading global PCB manufacturer, who provides the rapid production of high-reliability and cost-effective PCBs and creates the best customer experience in the industry.In case that you do not have an account yet, check out the bellow link


  • Most Efficient, Economic, Innovative PCB Solutions
  • Higher Quality
  • Lower Cost
  • Faster Delivery
JLCPCB provides a rapid production of high-reliability and cost-effective PCBs and create the best customer experience in the indrustry.


Thank to:


► Arduino Platform