Arduino Tutorial: JARVIS V1 | How to Make a Home Automation
by thelonelyprogrammer in Circuits > Arduino
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Arduino Tutorial: JARVIS V1 | How to Make a Home Automation

Arduino Tutorial: JARVIS v1 | How to make a Home Automation
(Just A Rather Very Intelligent System)
This project demonstrates the use of different technologies and their integration to build an intelligent system which will interact with a human and support in their day to day tasks.
Parts and Material

The Parts which we need are :
* Arduino * Relay Breakout board * Bluetooth Module - HC-05 * Jumper Cables
BT Connections:

*Arduino -> BT MODULE*
TX -> RX
RX -> TX
VCC -> 3.3v
Relay Connections

*Arduino -> Relay Board*
IN1 -> D2
IN2 -> D3
IN3 -> D4
IN4 -> D5
The Code
You can find the sample code below.
//Coded By: Angelo Casimiro (4/27/14)
//Voice Activated Arduino (Bluetooth + Android) //Feel free to modify it but remember to give credit
String voice;
int led1 = 2, //Connect LED 1 To Pin #2
led2 = 3, //Connect LED 2 To Pin #3
led3 = 4, //Connect LED 3 To Pin #4
led4 = 5, //Connect LED 4 To Pin #5
led5 = 6; //Connect LED 5 To Pin #6
//--------------------------Call A Function-------------------------------//
void allon()
{ digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led5, HIGH); }
void alloff()
{ digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
digitalWrite(led4, LOW);
digitalWrite(led5, LOW); }
void setup() {
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led5, OUTPUT); }
void loop() {
while (Serial.available()){ //Check if there is an available byte to read
delay(10); //Delay added to make thing stable
char c =; //Conduct a serial read
if (c == '#') {break;} //Exit the loop when the # is detected after the word
voice += c; //Shorthand for voice = voice + c
} if (voice.length() > 0) {
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------// //----------Control Multiple Pins/ LEDs----------//
if(voice == "*all on") {allon();} //Turn Off All Pins (Call Function)
else if(voice == "*all off"){alloff();} //Turn On All Pins (Call Function) //----------Turn On One-By-One----------// else if(voice == "*TV on") {digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);}
else if(voice == "*fan on") {digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);}
else if(voice == "*computer on") {digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);}
else if(voice == "*bedroom lights on") {digitalWrite(led4, HIGH);}
else if(voice == "*bathroom lights on") {digitalWrite(led5, HIGH);} //----------Turn Off One-By-One----------//
else if(voice == "*TV off") {digitalWrite(led1, LOW);}
else if(voice == "*fan off") {digitalWrite(led2, LOW);}
else if(voice == "*computer off") {digitalWrite(led3, LOW);}
else if(voice == "*bedroom lights off") {digitalWrite(led4, LOW);}
else if(voice == "*bathroom lights off") {digitalWrite(led5, LOW);}
voice="";}} //Reset the variable after initiating
For now we will use the ready-made application. In the following days I will publish the application once after the certificates are processed.
BT Voice Control for Arduino created by SimpleLabsIN: