Arduino Tutorial 1. Blinking LED Part 1

by AshokK17 in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Tutorial 1. Blinking LED Part 1

Hello Instructables,

In this instructable i show you Basic tutorial of Arduino. Let’s start with Blink one LED (Light Emitting diode).

​Basic Requirement:-

Blink Arduino_bb2.jpg
Ardunio Uno R3

LED (any color)

Resistor (330 ohms)

​Basic Information of LED:-

Light Emitting Diode is basically known as LED. LED are available in markets in different shape and size. LEDs are using in signal information, data transmitting & receiving, advertising, company name plate, car, and in designing etc. LED lights are using in everywhere in our daily life. It’s easy to use because its operate with less energy consumption less than 5 V.

LED has 2 terminals anode (positive) and cathode (negative). There are 3 methods to identify these terminals:-

1. Find the large terminal between two terminals. Large terminal is anode and other one is cathode.

2. Keep the LED parallel with your eye and see the round curve on LED. You can see that a small portion is cut at the one terminal of LED. That terminal is always cathode.

3. Keep the LED perpendicular to your eye and see into the LED. You can find that one portion is small and other portion is large. Small portion is anode and large portion is cathode.

The results of identification of LED you can in above images:-

​Connection of Arduino:-

Blink Arduino_bb1.jpg

You can see the connection on above image. A resistor is also connect before the LED for limiting the current and for protection of damaging. In above circuit we use 330 ohms resistance to limiting current.

Methods of choosing a resistor

Resistor = applied voltage/current of LED

Power consumption of a small LED is less than 20mA to operate.

Connect the arduino pin 13 to resistor (anode terminal of LED). And connect the GND (Ground) pin of arduino to cathode of LED.

​Arduino Code:-

You can find the code on a Arduino IDE of arduino. Open Arduino IDE and click on

File --> Examples -->Basic -->Blink

See the Code:-

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board

//Normal mean of setup is arrangement so setup is using for set Input & Output and initiation of Arduino borad

void setup() {

// initialize digital pin 13 as an output.

//pinMode is the Syntax for take input and output initialize. In brasses the first no. shows the pin no. of //arduino and after String is using to set Input and Output.

pinMode(13, OUTPUT);


// loop function

//Loop it’s means to Run this code again and again

void loop() {

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)

delay(1000); // wait for a second (millisecond)

digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW

delay(1000); // wait for a second (millisecond)


Upload Code :-

First attached arduino to PC than select arduino COM port and type of board. Now upload the sketch in Arduino.

Thank you for Reading.

Hope you enjoy.