Arduino Song Player

Listen to music is common in our modern world, but people often listen to music on devices except for MP3. So how can people listen to music without devices? This Arduino Song player would play a song for you! This product would play X'mas song for you at any time and any place you want! The idea of this project was by Happy Birthday Song Using Arduino Uno-
In this project, I change the song from Happy Birthday to Jingle bell, it originated from the link on the top.
Swipe down to know more about this project.
Please enjoy this project and listen to the beautiful music.
Prepare the Materials

Arduino Uno X 1
Arduino Wire X 2
Arduino speaker(buzzer) X 1
All of the materials would be in the Arduino package or buy it on Amazon
Put the Wires and the Buzzers on the Arduino Uno.

Connect the red wire to GND and connect the black wire to number 8. (the green and yellow wires are used to connect the buzzers to Ardunio Uno because some of the buzzers don't have a pin on them).
Arduino Code

Post the code on your Arduino web and connect the Arduino Uno with your computer or other devices.
Remember to press upload when you want to test your product
Code link:
Test and Decoration

After you finish testing your music player, decorate it with items you like.
For example, I cover the Ardunio Uno with paper with X'mas decoration on it. (This song is about Christmas)