Arduino Radar Using Android Mobile App

by aladdin683 in Teachers > 4

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Arduino Radar Using Android Mobile App

radar tarama.png

This project is a radar system powered by ultrasonic sensors and servo motors. This system detects obstacles and collects distance and angle information and can be controlled via Bluetooth via a mobile application. The system provides the user with features such as target identification and automatic firing.

Click to buy the app, version only available for Android:PLAY STORE APP


Key Components of the System
  1. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor: Used to measure the distance of targets.
  2. SG90 AND MG995 Servo Motors: Used for radar scanning and firing.
  3. Bluetooth Module (HC-05 / HC-06/ESP32): Allows data to be transferred wirelessly to the mobile application.
  4. ESP32 / Arduino: Processes the sensor data and transmits it to the application.
  5. TCRT5000: Checks whether there is a bullet.
  6. LM2596 power module: provides power to the circuit.
  7. Mobile Application: Interface that allows the user to control and monitor the radar unit.



Send and Receive Data

Sensor and Servo Motor Data: The radar system sends distance, angle and firing information to the mobile application via Bluetooth.

Sample Data Format: 20|25|1|1\rn

  1. 20: Distance (cm)
  2. 25: Servo motor angle (degrees)
  3. 1: Whether there are bullets (1: Yes, 0: No)
  4. 1: System active status (1: RUNING, 0: STOPING)

Mobile Application Commands: The user can send commands to the radar system through the application.

Sample Command Format: fire&set_value&on_off&oto_mode

Sample Data: 1&50&1&0\rn

  1. 1: Ignition command (1: Fire, 0: No fire)
  2. 50: Target distance limit (cm)
  3. 1: System on/off status (1: START CMD, 0: STOP CMD)
  4. 0: Automatic mode (1: Active, 0: Off)

Mobile Application and Control Panel

The app offers the user the following control options:

Bluetooth Connection: Press the “BT_SELECT” key to communicate with the radar unit.

System RUN/STOP: Activate the system with the “START” button.

Target Distance Setting: Enter the distance value with “Set Control Distance”.

Auto Fire Mode: Activate by checking the “AUTO FIRE ON” box.

Bullet Control: The system can be activated if there is a bullet.

Esp8266 ile Radar Silahlı
Arduino ile Bluetooth Kontrolü Silahlı Radar Projesi

The completed version of the project is as above. If requested, full code and file sharing will be made on the cult 3d page.

Thanks for reading...