Arduino Piano

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Arduino Piano


I'd love to tell you more about the Arduino piano I made and its purpose. So, the Arduino piano I created is a super cool musical instrument that combines my love for music with my interest in electronics and programming. It consists of a set of buttons or sensors connected to an Arduino microcontroller board. Each button represents a different musical note. When you press a button, it triggers the corresponding note to play.

Now, you might wonder, what's the purpose of creating an Arduino piano? Well, there are a few reasons why I decided to build it. Firstly, it's a fun and creative project that allows me to explore the world of DIY electronics. I get to learn about the Arduino platform, how to connect components, and how to program it to create music. It's a hands-on way to deepen my understanding of electronics and programming concepts.

Secondly, the Arduino piano serves as a great learning tool. By building it, I get to dive into the fundamentals of music theory and understand how different notes come together to create melodies. It helps me improve my musical skills and expands my knowledge of music composition.

Lastly, the Arduino piano is a fantastic way to express my creativity and have fun making music. I can experiment with different melodies, chords, and rhythms, and even add additional features like volume control or different instrument sounds. It's a personal project that brings joy and allows me to explore my artistic side.

Overall, the Arduino piano is a wonderful combination of music and technology. It's a hands-on learning experience, a creative outlet, and a way to have fun making music. I hope that gives you a better idea of what I made and why!


  1. Breadboards
  2. Arduino UNO
  3. 8 push buttons
  4. 8 10k ohm resistor
  5. red LED
  6. 1 330 ohm resistor
  7. 1 Potentiometer
  8. 1 LCD 16 x 2
  9. 1 1 kilo ohm resistor
  10. Piezo
  11. Wires

Wiring the Push Buttons


To get the noise to come out when you press the buttons on the Arduino piano, we need to follow a few steps. First, you'll want to gather 8 buttons and connect them to the digital pins on the Arduino board. This will allow the Arduino to detect when a button is pressed. Make sure to use the appropriate wires to establish the connections.

Additionally, it's important to include 10K ohm resistors in the circuit. These resistors help prevent unwanted electrical interference and ensure that the button presses are accurately detected by the Arduino. By including resistors, we can ensure the stability and reliability of the button inputs.

Once you have the buttons connected and the resistors in place, you'll be ready to move on to the next steps of programming the Arduino to produce the desired sounds when the buttons are pressed.

Adding the Piezo


Step 2 involves adding the Piezo to your Arduino piano. You'll want to wire the Piezo to the Arduino, specifically to the digital pin A2. Make sure you have the necessary wires to establish the connection.

Just like in the previous step, it's important to include 10K ohm resistors in the circuit. These resistors help maintain the stability of the electrical signals and ensure that the Piezo produces the desired sounds accurately.

The Piezo is a key component in creating the noise of the piano. When you press the buttons connected to the Arduino, the corresponding electrical signals will be sent to the Piezo, causing it to vibrate and produce sound.

Once you have the Piezo wired into the Arduino and the resistors in place, you'll be one step closer to creating your own musical masterpiece!

Add the Potentiometer


Step 3 involves adding the potentiometer to your Arduino piano. To do this, you'll need to add a small breadboard to the side of your setup. The breadboard will provide a convenient platform for connecting the potentiometer.

Once you have the breadboard in place, you can connect the potentiometer to it. The potentiometer has three pins: the middle pin is the wiper, and the other two are the ends. You'll want to connect one end of the potentiometer to the 5V power supply on the Arduino, and the other end to the ground (GND) pin.

By adding the potentiometer, you'll be able to control certain aspects of your piano, such as volume or pitch, by adjusting the knob. It adds a level of interactivity and customization to your musical experience!

Adding LCD


Step 4 involves wiring the LCD to your Arduino piano. To do this, you'll need to connect all the necessary pins and include a 1 kilo ohm resistor in the circuit.

The LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, is an important component that shows you which notes you're pressing on the piano. It provides visual feedback and enhances your overall musical experience.

To wire the LCD, you'll need to connect various pins to the Arduino. The specific pins may vary depending on the type of LCD you're using, so make sure to refer to the datasheet or instructions that came with your LCD.

Additionally, you'll want to include a 1 kilo ohm resistor in the circuit. This resistor helps regulate the electrical current flowing to the LCD, ensuring that it functions properly.

Once you have the LCD wired and the resistor in place, you'll be able to see the notes you're playing displayed on the screen. It adds a cool visual element to your piano project!

Adding the LED


Step 5 is all about adding an LED to your Arduino piano. It's a really cool way to visualize the notes you're playing.

To connect the LED, you'll need a 330 ohm resistor. Connect one leg of the resistor to the negative side of the LED, which is the shorter leg. Then, connect the other leg of the resistor to the ground (GND) pin on the Arduino.

When you press a button on your piano, it will trigger the corresponding note, and at the same time, the LED will turn on. This creates a visual indicator that shows which notes are being played.

It's a great way to add some extra fun and interactivity to your piano project!
