Arduino Pan Tilt Controlled
We'll check with pan tilt potentiometer in this project.In this project, two potentiometer connected to our Arduino Uno 2 servo motor-driven apparatus that allows camera control Pan-Tilt Fpv we checked cheaper cost.Checking Pan Tilt can start Pan Tilt Controlled with Potentiometer project.
original project page : Pan tilt control
- Arduino Uno
- Servo motors SG90
- 2 potentiometer 20k
- Pan-Tilt
- Breadboard
- Jumper cables
Circuit Connections:
Potentiometer Analog 1 and Analog 2 pins
Digital 5 and 6 pins to digital servo motors
Software Part:
#include <Servo.h>
const int pot1=A1;
const int pot2=A2;
Servo myservo1;
Servo myservo2;
int value=0;
int pos = 0;
void setup(){
myservo2.attach(6); }
void loop(){ value=analogRead(pot1);
{ myservo1.write(pos); }
{ myservo2.write(pos); } }
More information: Pan tilt control project