Arduino Ne555 Piano

by zaidkh2003 in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Ne555 Piano


In this instructable i hope to be able to show you how to make a simple toy piano using a 555 timer ic and a few basic components, there isnt much code involved so its pretty beginner friendly, you can also make a test circuit in tinkercad when following the steps if you want to use different kind of resistors


Adding the Ne555 Ic and Capicator


To make everything a bit more organized when adding the 555timer and timer, i try to to use the markings on the board, placed the 555 timer in between row E and F, with pins 1-4 going from column 48-51 and the capacitor in the same column of 48 and 49 connecting to pin 1 and 2 of 555 timer

Adding the Connections to the 555 Timer


the first connections ill make, is ground and VCC, pin 1 is ground and is on column 48 and pin 8 also on coloum 48 is vcc, then i try to bridge a connection from pin 2 of timer to pin 6 on the ic

Connecting the Piezo (buzzer)


for the piezo we have to keep in mind of where ground and power is, so when found out which is which, i had ground connect to the ground rail and power connect to pin 3 of the icc

Connecting the Resistors to Ic and Control Voltage


this step pretty easy, we only need to add a 220 ohm resistor from the power rail connecting in to pin 7 and a jumper going from power rail to pin 4

Adding the Buttons


the buttons can be placed how close or how far away u want, as long they are all on the same row of between E and F

Bridging the Connection From the Timer to the Buttons


ON row E u would wanna connect pin 2 of the icc to the bottom right leg of the button, when connecting the rest of the buttons keep in mind to skip one leg so that all the connections are in the bottom left leg and the jumpers are overlapping, in some way

Continuing to Bridge the Connections, But With Resistors


this step is just a continuation of step 6, u want to bridge a connection from pin 7 on row F collum 49 to a resistor connecting to a button, but instead of using the left leg we're gonna be using the upper right legs of the button

Finishing the Bridge Between the Buttons With the Resistors


like in step 6 we do same thing butt instead with jumpers different kind of resistors ranging from any range, we have the connections overlapping every upper right leg