Arduino Memory Master Game

by 713903 in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Memory Master Game

Screenshot (166).png
Screenshot (181).png

This is my game called memory master and it is a good brain game for everybody! I was inspired by Simon says minigames that were played very similarly to this one. They were just like the game I made here but virtual. The idea of making it a game that can be played without the use of a touchscreen is something I have never seen before. Also, through my research I discovered that brain games have more of a positive impact on the player if it is not being played virtually. The objective of the game is to follow the pattern of how the LEDs that are blinking and replicate it using the pushbuttons next to them. If the player makes a mistake and presses the wrong pushbutton, the speaker will buzz indicating the player that they have lost and the game is now over. I always wanted to make a project where I have the Arduino give out a variety of different commands. This kind of coding can be implemented into many different kind of modern machines and I think it is important to know how it works.


  • Solderless breadboard
  • Arduino Uno R3
  • 5mm LED (red, yellow, blue, green)
  • 330 Ohm resistor (8)
  • Mini pushbutton switch (4)
  • Piezoelectric speaker
  • jumper wires

Building the Game

Screenshot (173).png
Screenshot (175).png
Screenshot (177).png
Screenshot (183).png

Step one: Attach the positive wire to the 3.3 volt port and the negative to the ground port. Then follow up by adding the two 330 ohm resistors and the LED above it.

Step two: Attach the negative side of the LED with a jumper cable that goes to the negative rail, and attach the bottom resistor to the negative rail as well. Then attach the pushbutton and Arduino.

Step three: Repeat step two and you will have 4 LEDs and 8 resistors total. Finally, we will need to add the piezoelectric speaker to the negative rail and port 5 as shown in the photo shown above.

Step 2: Code

Here is the code required to make this game work:

#define PLAYER_WAIT_TIME 2000 // The time allowed between button presses - 2s

byte sequence[100]; // Storage for the light sequence byte curLen = 0; // Current length of the sequence byte inputCount = 0; // The number of times that the player has pressed a (correct) button in a given turn byte lastInput = 0; // Last input from the player byte expRd = 0; // The LED that's suppose to be lit by the player bool btnDwn = false; // Used to check if a button is pressed bool wait = false; // Is the program waiting for the user to press a button bool resetFlag = false; // Used to indicate to the program that once the player lost

byte soundPin = 5; // Speaker output

byte noPins = 4; // Number of buttons/LEDs (While working on this, I was using only 2 LEDs) // You could make the game harder by adding an additional LED/button/resistors combination. byte pins[] = {2, 13, 10, 8}; // Button input pins and LED ouput pins - change these vaules if you wwant to connect yourbuttons to other pins // The number of elements must match noPins below long inputTime = 0; // Timer variable for the delay between user inputs

void setup() { delay(3000); // This is to give me time to breathe after connection the arduino - can be removed if you want Serial.begin(9600); // Start Serial monitor. This can be removed too as long as you remove all references to Serial below Reset(); }

/// /// Sets all the pins as either INPUT or OUTPUT based on the value of 'dir' /// void setPinDirection(byte dir){ for(byte i = 0; i < noPins; i++){ pinMode(pins[i], dir); } }

//send the same value to all the LED pins void writeAllPins(byte val){ for(byte i = 0; i < noPins; i++){ digitalWrite(pins[i], val); } }

//Makes a (very annoying :) beep sound void beep(byte freq){ analogWrite(soundPin, 2); delay(freq); analogWrite(soundPin, 0); delay(freq); }

/// /// Flashes all the LEDs together /// freq is the blink speed - small number -> fast | big number -> slow /// void flash(short freq){ setPinDirection(OUTPUT); /// We're activating the LEDS now for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ writeAllPins(HIGH); beep(50); delay(freq); writeAllPins(LOW); delay(freq); } }

/// ///This function resets all the game variables to their default values /// void Reset(){ flash(500); curLen = 0; inputCount = 0; lastInput = 0; expRd = 0; btnDwn = false; wait = false; resetFlag = false; }

/// /// User lost /// void Lose(){ flash(50); }

/// /// The arduino shows the user what must be memorized /// Also called after losing to show you what you last sequence was /// void playSequence(){ //Loop through the stored sequence and light the appropriate LEDs in turn for(int i = 0; i < curLen; i++){ Serial.print("Seq: "); Serial.print(i); Serial.print("Pin: "); Serial.println(sequence[i]); digitalWrite(sequence[i], HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(sequence[i], LOW); delay(250); } }

/// /// The events that occur upon a loss /// void DoLoseProcess(){ Lose(); // Flash all the LEDS quickly (see Lose function) delay(1000); playSequence(); // Shows the user the last sequence - So you can count remember your best score - Mine's 22 by the way :) delay(1000); Reset(); // Reset everything for a new game }

/// /// Where the magic happens /// void loop() { if(!wait){ //****************// // Arduino's turn // //****************// setPinDirection(OUTPUT); // We're using the LEDs randomSeed(analogRead(A0)); // sequence[curLen] = pins[random(0,noPins)]; // Put a new random value in the next position in the sequence - curLen++; // Set the new Current length of the sequence playSequence(); // Show the sequence to the player beep(50); // Make a beep for the player to be aware wait = true; // Set Wait to true as it's now going to be the turn of the player inputTime = millis(); // Store the time to measure the player's response time }else{ //***************// // Player's turn // //***************// setPinDirection(INPUT); // We're using the buttons

if(millis() - inputTime > PLAYER_WAIT_TIME){ // If the player takes more than the allowed time, DoLoseProcess(); // All is lost :( return; } if(!btnDwn){ // expRd = sequence[inputCount]; // Find the value we expect from the player Serial.print("Expected: "); // Serial Monitor Output - Should be removed if you removed the Serial.begin above Serial.println(expRd); // Serial Monitor Output - Should be removed if you removed the Serial.begin above for(int i = 0; i < noPins; i++){ // Loop through the all the pins if(pins[i]==expRd) continue; // Ignore the correct pin if(digitalRead(pins[i]) == HIGH){ // Is the buttong pressed lastInput = pins[i]; resetFlag = true; // Set the resetFlag - this means you lost btnDwn = true; // This will prevent the program from doing the same thing over and over again Serial.print("Read: "); // Serial Monitor Output - Should be removed if you removed the Serial.begin above Serial.println(lastInput); // Serial Monitor Output - Should be removed if you removed the Serial.begin above } } }

if(digitalRead(expRd) == 1 && !btnDwn) // The player pressed the right button { inputTime = millis(); // lastInput = expRd; inputCount++; // The user pressed a (correct) button again btnDwn = true; // This will prevent the program from doing the same thing over and over again Serial.print("Read: "); // Serial Monitor Output - Should be removed if you removed the Serial.begin above Serial.println(lastInput); // Serial Monitor Output - Should be removed if you removed the Serial.begin above }else{ if(btnDwn && digitalRead(lastInput) == LOW){ // Check if the player released the button btnDwn = false; delay(20); if(resetFlag){ // If this was set to true up above, you lost DoLoseProcess(); // So we do the losing sequence of events } else{ if(inputCount == curLen){ // Has the player finished repeating the sequence wait = false; // If so, this will make the next turn the program's turn inputCount = 0; // Reset the number of times that the player has pressed a button delay(1500); } } } } } }

Step 3: Demo of the Game

Memory Master demo