
This product is designed to decide which one of the roommates will be the one to get up and turn of the light when both of them are already lying in bed. This design is inspired by me when I and my brother shares a room. We always argue about who is going to get up and turn off the light every night. Then I realize that many ohabitants encounter the same problem.

This instructable will show you how to hook up LEDs to roll a dice. Also, this project does not require additional components than the Arduino Leonardo set.
This is what you will need for this project:
- Arduino Leonardo x1
- breadboard x1
- any color of led you like x2
- 220 or 330 Resistor (brown black brown gold) x2
- Precision resistance (brown red black black brown) x2
- Photoresistance x2
- some wires for the breadboard
- Alligator clips (depends on you)
Setting Up Circuits -1

Set up the first circuit in order for the first photoresistance to work. Place the components like the picture above.
Setting Up Circuits-2

Set up the first circuit in order for the second photoresistance to work. Place the components like the picture above.
Upload the Codes on Your Device to Your Arduino

Add an Outer Casing

Add an outer casing to it to make it look externally aesthetic. This is my final project :