Arduino Leonardo Game Controller for Tetraplegics

by joshross in Circuits > Assistive Tech

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Arduino Leonardo Game Controller for Tetraplegics


Click HERE for video demonstration

This project was to challenge for us to build a controller using basic and widely accessible materials for people with quadriplegia. In class we leaned to manipulate code and the basic concepts of how HTML CSS and JavaScript work to build and modify a simple game. we then took this and added code to an arduino to make it act like a MakeyMakey with pull down resistors giving the arduino a cleaner signal. This made is so even the slightest curent like touching the positive and negative with your hand would give a clear signal. We then took this homemade MakeyMakey and used it on a prototype of a game controller we designed. What makes this possible is the Arduino Leonardo that acts as an external keyboard sending key inputs to the computer instead of just signal strengths or ons or offs.


  1. cardboard
  2. hot glue
  3. (3)alligator clip wires
  4. (3) jumper cables for
  5. (3) resistors (1 megaohm)
  6. solder
  7. soldering iron
  8. perboard (can be pretty small like 1"x1")
  9. (3) paper clips
  10. tinfoil
  11. Arduino Leonardo board - CLICK HERE to buy
  12. MakeyMakey (more expensive/simpler alternative to using the Arduino Leonardo) - CLICK HERE to buy
  13. If you want it to be adjustable get two pieces of metal that can bolt together in different places to make one of them attach higher or lower on the other.
  14. Click here to download the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
  15. Arduino Leonardo Code - CLICK HERE to download. Copy and past into arduino software. Then make sure in tools and then board that it is set to Arduino Leonardo. Run the code and install the appropriate libraries.
  16. Apace Invaders Code - CLICK HERE to download

Making the Circuit


The first step is making the circuit board that will give the signals to the arduino. First if you want prototype your circuit on a breadboard. You will attach the three resistors to the five volt poart and the other end of each resistor as a signal wire that will go to your switches. Then just attach a ground that will go to the other side of all your switches and a ground pin on the Arduino. This is all the circuitry you will need.

Building the Frame


To build the frame start with the headpiece. Score the cardboard in a shape making two pieces that can come out next to your head that are about two and a half inches away from where your head would be and a couple inches from the back. This is just leaving space for the switches. then cut from each corner you made to the center of where your head would go then score half way down the tab. Then fold everywhere you scored away from the cut. Look at the diagram for an approximate template. Then make the back piece just fold a piece of card board a few times so its laminated and stronger. To attach the two pieces together if your not making it adjustable just measure the height that the headpiece should sit by sliding the cardboard back down behind the user and mark were the head piece would sit about two inches above the ears then just hot glue the headpiece to the back. to make it adjustable glue one of the metal pieces to the inside of one of the layers of the backpiece and the other to the head piece. Put two bolts with wing nuts threw it to hold it in place and make keep it from twisting as much by adding two strips of cardboard to the back under the sides of the headpiece.

Wiring and Switches


Make the three switches cut sick squares of cardboard and put them together in pares and tape the two pieces together then fold them in half over the tape and put the tape on the out side of the joint. Cut a small slit in the middle of the tape. Take three paperclips and bend them open to about a 90 degree angle. wrap one prong of them in tape then wrap a piece of tinfoil around the taped side of the paperclip being careful to not let the tinfoil and the paperclip touch. Leave a tail of the tinfoil about three inches long. Then put ben the paper clips back so the tinfoil almost touches the the paper clip and put then ends of them through the slits in the tape you made. Bend the tail of the foil around the outside of the paper and tape it there. then just glue the switches you made the the head piece. to wire the switches just alligator clip all the tips of the paperclip coming through the tape to gether and to the ground pin. then wire each of the tinfoil tabs on your switches to one of your signal wires that are connected to your resistors. glue on the arduino and the circuit board. The final step it to upload your code to your Arduino. Then play your game. Have fun!